4 Degrees in International Studies in Ireland for 2024

Degrees in International Studies in Ireland for 2024Filter
  • International Studies MA

    University of Limerick

    • Limerick, Ireland

    Full time

    1 year



    The MA in International Studies is a one year, full-time program which uses the disciplinary insights provided by international relations theories to investigate and explain contemporary international issues such as terrorism, nuclear proliferation, global inequality and child soldiers. Core modules are supplemented by a wide range of departmental electives, allowing students develop expertise in areas of their own interests.

    • Limerick, Ireland

    Full time

    4 years



    Brexit will mean more direct interaction with the EU and with individual member states on the continent. A better knowledge of the European Union, and Ireland’s place within it, is more needed than ever before. An understanding of Europe requires knowledge of its historical origins, of its economic, legal and societal aspects, and of its political institutions. The BA in European Studies develops knowledge and understanding of all of these areas linking them with knowledge of the cultures and languages of key member states. The University of Limerick has long led the way in Ireland in this field, with the result that this degree is one of the longest established European Studies degree programmes in Europe.

  • European Studies MA

    University of Limerick

    • Limerick, Ireland

    Full time

    2 years



    The program aims to give students skills required in a post-Brexit world where knowledge about the European Union and key member states will significantly enhance students’ career options, especially in Ireland which will see closer direct links with continental member states. To non-European students the program gives a more comprehensive understanding of the reality of the European Union by the lived experience in two very different member states in terms of size, culture (incl. academic culture), language and location.

    • Limerick, Ireland

    Full time

    1 year



    The Graduate Diploma/Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (International) is a one-year taught programme and is offered on a full-time basis using a combination of faculty-student contact hours and self-directed learning and research. The MA is about exploring language in use in a wide variety of real-world situations and contexts (education, politics and wider society). The MA has a strong international focus both in practical terms with the possibility of an overseas semester, as well as advanced language options in English as a Foreign Language, French, German, Spanish (all languages may not run each year), and in theoretical terms reflecting faculty research interest in language and globalisation.