1 Degrees in Transportation and Logistics Logistics International Logistics in Italy for 2024

Degrees in Transportation and Logistics Logistics International Logistics in Italy for 2024Filter
    • Milan, Italy

    Part time

    5 months

    Blended, Distance Learning, On-Campus


    In the context of economic transactions with foreign countries, the legislation on international sanctions, export controls, embargoes, freezes and restrictions on trade has taken on primary importance both at European and Italian level, so much so as to strongly condition the obligations of companies, banks and professionals. Conducting enhanced verifications and proper anti-money laundering due diligence becomes essential in the case of transactions with countries subject to sanctions. The Master on International Sanctions, Export Control and Anti-Money Laundering, providing an overview of the European and Italian legislative framework in the field of sanctions, embargoes and trade restrictions, aims to provide suitable tools for detecting and distinguishing the various types of international sanctions and restrictions, analyzing their interaction with the anti-money laundering legislation dedicating a particular focus to the restrictive measures adopted by the European Union towards the Russian Federation and Belarus.