1 Degrees in International Business in Cape Town, South Africa for 2024

Degrees in International Business in Cape Town, South Africa for 2024Filter
    • Valbonne, France
    • Belo Horizonte, Brazil
    • + 6 more

    Part time

    18 months



    Enhance and use your leadership to engineer complex transformation and overcome normative approaches. In the context of global business operations, learn how to embed the critically important issues of human rights, ethics and governance into business decisions. Become a responsible leader who listens to stakeholders and is capable of engaging people from inside and outside the company to carry out the transformations needed to achieve the company's ambitions and to understand how the world is changing. This module of the EMBA is all about implementing transformation. The students become capable of improving and using their leadership to devise a complex transformation and transcend normative approaches. They learn to take into account crucial questions concerning rights, ethics and governance in their decision making.