5 Degrees in International Business in Portugal for 2024

Degrees in International Business in Portugal for 2024Filter
    • Leiria, Portugal

    Full time

    24 months



    To meet the challenges of the global marketplace, the program provides national and international companies with graduates that can lead and support their process of going international.

    • Aveiro, Portugal

    1 year


    English, Portuguese

    The specialization course in Business Languages ??and Cultures aims to respond to a market need that involves mastering business-oriented languages ??and an intercultural and culture-specific approach to business. With a structure adaptable to the needs of the trainees, the course has the following general objectives:

  • Degree in International Business

    Instituto Politécnico de Santarém

    • Santarém, Portugal

    Full time

    3 years



    Formulate strategic options for the company's internationalization.

  • International Trade

    Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto

    • Porto, Portugal



    The degree in International Trade has the fundamental objectives of ensuring the training and preparation of professionals with basic skills in the different functional areas of companies and organizations, whether private or public, national or international. In this sense, with the multidisciplinary training guaranteed by the study plan, graduates are expected to acquire and develop technical and specific skills in terms of trade and sales strategies, management and marketing, logistics and international marketing, research and market management. and products, mastery of foreign languages, national, European and international legal issues. Indeed, with the qualification provided in the 1st Cycle (Licenciatura) it is intended to train senior technicians for public entities (Customs, AICEP, Embassies) private institutions (Chambers of Commerce, Industrial and Commercial Associations), as well as technical staff for commercial departments and/or international industrial companies, transport and logistics companies and service companies.

    • Lisbon, Portugal
    • Porto, Portugal

    Full time

    6 semesters



    The Global Business Bachelor's degree is a program taught in English that provides an unmatched educational opportunity and a strong foundation in global business ideas and practices through a demanding and thorough three-year program. In this program, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of worldwide markets, global strategies, cross-cultural management, and more through a carefully designed curriculum to prepare them to be future business leaders in the fast-paced global business environment.