2 Degrees in Interior Architecture in Mexico for 2024

Degrees in Interior Architecture in Mexico for 2024Filter
  • Interior architecture

    Bauhaus University Centre

    • Puebla City, Mexico



    Objective: The student will have the theoretical and practical knowledge of the degree in interior architecture for the creation and development of projects in the field of interior architecture through clear theoretical support; the statement of objectives and the understanding of the habitable space through the development of critical thinking argued for the client and an attractive and viable proposal in its execution. Likewise, it will apply knowledge of construction techniques and processes, proposals for finishes, color and lighting, and furniture design, as well as supervision and construction management, both civil and commercial, in this way it will relate the various disciplines that converge in the interior design through the promotion of collaborative, multidisciplinary work and social work.

  • Architecture of Spaces and Interior Experiences

    Centre for Advanced Studies in Design of Monterrey (Centro de Estudios Superiores de Diseño de Monterrey (CEDIM))

    • México, Mexico



    Relate to space Interior space design is an activity that combines creativity and curiosity that is required to design, build and change the way we live. An interior designer understands our way of living, and is present in the spaces we live in every day, restaurants, hotels, museums, cinemas, understands our environment, and is a professional capable of imagining and shaping innovative ideas generating timeless experiences, and innovative spatial and environmental possibilities directly related to everything that surrounds us.