2 Degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies in China for 2024

Degrees in Interdisciplinary Studies in China for 2024Filter
    • Sydney, Australia
    • Moore Park, Australia
    • + 2 more

    Part time

    1 year



    How do we educate people for a rapidly changing, uncertain and complex world? What kind of education futures do we want to make? The Graduate Certificate in Transdisciplinary Learning is for educators, learning professionals and education leaders who want to think differently about the education and professional learning challenges we face, whether in the education sector (schools, TAFE, universities), industry, public sector or community. By reimagining education as transdisciplinary, the course explores the generative potential of collectives and collaboration across disciplinary boundaries. Participants study transdisciplinary learning as it occurs in real-time, reframe problems and trial problem solving approaches, develop educational prototypes and design inquiry, all in the process of testing the worth of transdisciplinary practices, methods and strategies in operation. With its focus on collective learning, the course engages participants in designing learning opportunities that prepare young people and professionals for dealing creatively, critically and ethically with ambiguous challenges. Designed with busy professionals in mind, the course provides a range of flexible learning pathways to suit individual needs. Self-paced, fully online small credit-point subjects (also offered as microcredentials) provide participants with mentoring opportunities to probe transdisciplinary learning approaches in the context of their own practice and collegial communities. In the studio subjects, participants contribute to immersive, online collaborative sessions. They work on small-scale challenge projects and generate novel, actionable educational proposals or experiments that can enable individuals, teams, communities and industries to flourish into the future. The lab subject connects participants with live research projects centred on educational or professional learning initiatives and collective action.

  • BA English and Finance

    Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

    • Suzhou, China

    Full time



    The interdisciplinary BA English and Finance programme offers academic subjects related to English and language studies and courses on finance, mathematics and economics.