2 Find an Instructional Design and Technology degree

Find an Instructional Design and Technology degreeFilter
    • Barcelona, Spain



    The aim of this master's degree is to provide an overview of the impact of the information and communication society on education. It focuses in particular on knowledge of the following aspects: advanced uses of technology for education, learning theories for digital learning environments, and characteristics of training with digital media in different professional and institutional contexts.

  • Master of Digital Learning Futures

    Charles Darwin University

    • Darwin, Australia

    Full time

    2 years



    Advancements and innovations with digital technology are not stopping now! The Master of Digital Learning Futures can help you get ready for the next wave of global transformation. This innovative, industry-relevant program investigates the dynamics of the digital era. What new 'smarts' are on the horizon and what skills are needed to engage effectively within the digital paradigm? How might we learn next? How might we teach?