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ZubiGune Fundazioa



Usurbilgo Lanbide Eskola and ZubiGune Foundation are recognized as Reference Centers in Basque Country in Climate Change and follow High-Performance Trainings Methodology

ZubiGune Foundation is part from Usurbil Training Center (“Usurbilgo Lanbide Eskola”).

Usurbil Training Center is training students and workers since 1975 and ZubiGune Foundation was created in 2011. Every year both institutions hold around 1,000 students and workers that take training courses in English and Spanish related to:

-Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency

-Circular Bio Economy

-Administration and languages

-Mechanical Manufacturing, 3D printing and foundry

-Industrial Maintenance

-Electronics, electricity, robotics and IOT's

-Tourism and hostelry

Besides, we lead and take part in local and European innovation projects, most of them related to renewables, IOT and high-performance training methods.

More info:

Program's Coordinator: Maitane Iraola (


  • Usurbil

    Donostia, 20001, Usurbil

    ZubiGune Fundazioa