Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics and Data Science
Yerevan, Armenia
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline *
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USD 2,730 / per year **
* the period for passing documents is from June, 1 until August, 15
** per academic year
Key Summary
About the Program
The 21st Century has brought new challenges in the analysis of data, and it is increasingly apparent that solutions to these are both statistical and computational. This has led to a great demand for people both in industry and in research who are able to draw upon the mathematics of both computation and probability to make sense of the large amounts of data that are collected in order to solve major problems. It has become accepted in today’s world that in order to learn about something, you must first collect data.
Statistics is the art of learning from data
Data science is an interdisciplinary response to this demand, and in our Bachelor degree program students follow a carefully selected curriculum from Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Computer Science. The science of statistics deals with drawing conclusions from observed data. For instance, a typical situation in a study arises when one is confronted with a large collection, or population, of items that have measurable values associated with them. By suitably sampling from this collection, and then analyzing the sampled items, one hopes to be able to draw some conclusions about the collection as a whole.
Applied Statistics is a science about the methods of processing statistical data. Knowledge of its base is necessary for every practitioner. Statistical science studies the processes of collecting, analyzing and making subsequent decisions based on them. Applied Statistics is an organizational and methodological basis for collecting information. One of the most important practical aspects of Data Science is the work with great samples. Data Science is a combination of methods and ideas that allows us to understand the vast amounts of data. The aim of our program is to teach students the ability to use mathematical methods and computer technology in applied tasks. It will allow bachelors to freely orient themselves on modern approaches and statistical data processing algorithms, providing leading positions for further education.
In developed countries of the world, data science is among the most demanded professions. According to the research carried out by the McKinsey & Company, a few years later the world will need about 50,000 specialists in data science.
Professional Theoretical Knowledge
At the end of this program, the student will be able to:
- Reproduce the basics of probability theory and mathematical statistics;
- Present modelling-oriented software systems;
- Apply probability and statistical methods in natural sciences;
- Build statistical models for problems in different fields, to explore the database and make conclusions based on them,
- Build effective algorithms for solving various problems with programming tools;
- Use the mathematical software programming (Matematica, R-programming and Python) to solve theoretical and practical problems;
- Apply mathematical statistics in econometrics.

Program Curriculum Overview
Course units for year 1, semester 1:
- Armenian language -1,
- Foreign language -1, (English, Russian, German, French),
- Introduction to the Mathematical Analysis,
- Analytical geometry,
- Discrete Mathematics,
- Higher Algebra 1.
Course units for year 1, semester 2:
- Armenian language -2,
- Foreign language- 2 (English, Russian, German, French),
- Higher Algebra 2,
- Mathematical Analysis 1,
- Modern programming languages.
Course units for year 2, semester 1:
- Applied Statistics and working with data,
- Higher Algebra 3,
- Mathematical Analysis 2,
- Discrete probabilities,
- Differential Equations 1.
Course units for year 2, semester 2:
- Mathematical Analysis 3,
- Financial markets,
- Theory of Probability,
- Programming (python),
- Working with Databases (SQL).
Course units for year 3, semester 1:
- Real analysis,
- Bayesian statistics,
- Data Science 1,
- Mathematical statistics,
- Elements of Algorithm Theory,
- Random processes,
- Time series,
- Regression models.
Course units for year 3, semester 2:
- Applied Statistics,
- Functional analysis,
- Differential equations with partial derivatives,
- Elements of Machine Learning,
- Additional chapters on mathematical statistics,
- Statistical programming,
- Coursework – 1.
Course units for year 4, semester 1:
- Statistical modelling,
- Calculation methods,
- Optimization methods
- Econometric,
- Data Science 2,
- Random Process Statistics,
- Coursework – 2.
Course units for year 4, semester 2:
- Professional internship,
- Final work.
Applicants must have enough knowledge of English, high school diploma.
Application Process and Necessary Documents
The application process is carried out in accordance with the admission rules of the Yerevan State University's Bachelor’s and Master's degree programs.
Foreign citizens applying for admission at Yerevan State University (YSU) should provide:
- Application form (find below) or http://edu.am/index.php/en/documents/index/153
- An admission statement (find below) or http://edu.am/index.php/en/documents/index/153
- A CV in English, Armenian or Russian
- 2 certified copies of passport (confirmed by Armenian Embassy or Armenian consulate representative. Citizens from CIS countries can provide only notarized translations). The first copy is for Yerevan State University, the second copy is necessary for a student residence permit.
- Copy of previous academic certificates (diplomas) and transcripts (confirmed by Armenian Embassy or Armenian consulate representative. Citizens from CIS countries can provide only notarized translations).
- Notarized and verified copy of the birth certificate, translated into Armenian.
- 2 original copies of general health certificate (this certificate can be provided by any Armenian medical institution). The first copy is for Yerevan State University, the second copy is necessary for a student residence permit.
- 8 photos (3/4)
Important Dates
For BA and MA students, the period for passing documents is from the 1st of June to the 15th of August. The lessons begin on the 1st of September.
Tuition Fee
1.300.000 AMD (about 2730 USD according to the current exchange rate of Central Bank of Armenia) per academic year.
Armenian Visa
Information about obtaining Armenian visa is provided at the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia ( https://www.mfa.am/en/visa/ ). Upon arrival to Armenia necessary information and assistance for a residence permit will be provided by the Foreign Students’ Department of Yerevan State University.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.