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The University College of Enterprise and Administration


The mission of the University College of Enterprise and Administration is to teach students to be creative, develop their careers and help them find their place in a globalizing world. WSPA develops international and intercultural competencies of students through creating an international environment at the University and through international mobility of students and faculty.

The University College of Enterprise and Administration operates based on the permission granted by the Minister of National Education and under the Higher Education Act of 27 July 2005 (Journal of Laws No. 164, item 1365, as amended) and legal regulations issued by the Act, as well as based on the Statute. The school is supervised by the Founder and the minister competent for higher education, by the Higher Education Act.

The mission of the University College is to teach students to be creative, develop their careers and help them find their place in a globalizing world. WSPA develops international and intercultural competencies of students through creating an international environment at the University and through international mobility of students and faculty. The University College cooperates closely with a large number of European and non-European universities and colleges, associations, companies and labour market institutions.

WSPA has experience in projects financed by EU Structural Funds and Lifelong Learning Programmes- Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Study Visit, and STF. Since 2007 WSPA has won twenty grants supported by EU Structural Funds amounting to nearly 8 million EUR, 200 000 EUR from Scholarship and Training Fund, LLP-Erasmus and Erasmus+ funding amounting to 1 million EUR. WSPA was granted the Leaders’ University Award and the title of Mobility Leader in projects funded by the Norwegian Funds. WSPA won first place in the category of The Largest Training for Staff in the EEA Grants- Norway Grants in Poland.

Practical education is WSPA's strong priority (internships, placements, business and public administration partners, and practitioners as members of faculty). Teaching methods include study in small groups, tutorials, hands-on approach, individual and group projects, and community projects. WSPA offers a wide variety of opportunities for students: international short and long-term mobility, a Career Office, internships, work projects and placements in local and regional business partners, student government, biannual job fairs, and business incubators for students. The school maintains also close ties with the local and regional business community.

Lublin is the capital of Lubelskie Voivodship which is situated in south-eastern Poland and covers an area of 25 121 km2 (almost 10% of Poland). The geographical location on the Eastern border of the European Union makes it an important centre of cooperation between Eastern and Western Europe.

Lublin is the largest and the fastest developing city on the right side of the Vistula River, with an area of 147,5 km2 and about 360,000 inhabitants. This city plays the role of administrative, educational and cultural centre of the Voivodship. Its rich history and the fact that it is located in a multicultural melting pot define its characteristics and unique values. They have been particularly well reflected in its architecture, topography and the social and cultural development of the city.

All those qualities add to the unique local diversity of Lublin city and make it exceptionally attractive not only to students and tourists but also to filmmakers, who will surely find it a rich source of inspiration.


The most popular option is sharing a room with other students or students – the rental price is the cheapest then. Single rooms are available both in student houses and private apartments, however, you must be prepared for a higher price.

It is common to pay a deposit in advance while renting a room/flat – it is usually the amount of one or two months’ rent, and at the end, if no damage is made, the deposit is returned to your bank account. If a deposit is required, you have to pay to confirm the reservation and keep the chosen room/flat.

    After arrival to Poland and before receiving a student status the applicant to study at WSPA is obliged to deliver by hand, by registered letter or by a courier service a complete set of the following documents:

    • An application forme Application form BA_BSc or Application form MA
    • An original or a certified copy of the certificate of secondary education, with a certified translation into Polish or English. Your educational documents should have apostilles confirming their authenticity
    • A nostrification certificate – this document is required when a high school diploma has been issued in the country with which Poland has no bilateral agreement on mutual recognition of education documents, and when the country has signed such an agreement with Poland but the said document is not covered by it; or a certificate of equivalency of the foreign high school diploma with the Polish high school diploma must be submitted when the foreign document has been issued in the country with which Poland has signed an agreement on mutual recognition of education documents
    • An international certificate of English language proficiency (like IELTS or TOEFL). The requirement does not concern those candidates for whom English is either the native language or was the language of instruction in their high school
    • A medical certificate stating that there are no contraindications against undertaking studies (regarding both the chosen programme and the mode of studies) – you can obtain it after arrival to Poland. It is for free with a document which you will receive from
    • Two 35x45mm photos
    • A signed enrollment agreement and other documents were provided by the Admission team.

    Candidates applying for graduate programs shall also submit an original or a certified copy of the undergraduate diploma and transcript of grades with a certified translation into Polish or English.

    In addition, after the successful process applicant has to present:

    • An Insurance policy against illness or personal accidents (It can be the same which you used in the visa process) for the entire period of study in Poland, or a European Health Insurance Card, or a signed insurance agreement with the National Health Fund
    • A passport (the personal data page) and a Polish visa or a temporary residence card or any other document entitling the holder to stay in Poland.

    Dates and Deadlines

    According to the academic calendar students are admitted to the University College of Enterprise and Administration at the beginning of winter and summer semesters, however, applications are accepted regularly throughout the year. Semesters start in February and October. We encourage you to apply for admission as soon as possible before the beginning of each semester.

    • Lublin

      ul. Bursaki 12, Lublin, 20-150, Lublin

    The University College of Enterprise and Administration