PhD in Nanotechnology
Ostrava, Czech Republic
4 Years
Full time
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CZK 500 / per semester
Key Summary
The study programme Nanotechnology - cotutelle is an interdisciplinary doctoral programme covering the fields of physics, chemistry, material engineering, applied mathematics, and the application of computational methods to describe, design, and prepare nanostructures, nanomaterials, and nanosystems. The specific aspect of the study programme is joint international supervision of doctoral students based on the international contract between VŠB-TUO and a foreign university, long-term stays at the foreign university supervised by a foreign supervisor, defence of the doctoral thesis under an international jury, and obtaining two diplomas from both universities.
- Characterization Methods of Nanostructures
- Publishing of Research Results
- Advanced Methods of Inorganic Nanomaterials and Composites Preparation
- Basic Methods of Statistical Data Analysis in Practice
- Computational Electrical Engineering
- Computer Simulation and Modelling in Materials Engineering
- Electrochemistry of Carbon Nanomaterials
- Electronic Structure: A Key to Understanding Phenomena in Physics and Chemistry
- Heterogeneous Kinetics and Catalysis
- Layered Materials: Methods of Preparation and Modification
- Material Design Using HPC Resources
- Mathematical Modeling of Engineering Problems
- Methods of Preparation of Catalysts
- Methods of Preparation of Nanomaterials Based on Organic Substances
- Modern Techniques of Structure and Phase Analysis
- Molecular Modeling Using Force Fields
- Nanomaterials for Medical and Pharmaceutical Applications
- Nanotechnology for the Environment and Sustainable Development
- Optical Spectroscopy and Ellipsometry of Nanostructures
- Phase Balance of Heterogeneous Systems
- Photocatalytic Processes
- Photonic Crystals and Metamaterials
- Special Chapters from Solid-State Chemistry
- Special Methods of Analytical Chemistry
- Spintronics
- Supramolecular Chemistry and Design of Functional Nanostructures
- Surface Modification and Functionalization of Carbon Nanomaterials
- Theory of Electromagnetic Field
- Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Nanomaterials
- Toxicology of Nanomaterials
- Wave and Photon Optics
- Czech Language Dr.
- English Language Dr.
- French Language Dr.
- German Language Dr.
- Russian Language Dr.
- Spanish Language Dr.
Program Outcome
Study aims
The main target is to contribute to improving conditions for education related to research, development, and innovations in the field of Nanotechnology and related increase of quality and enhancement of human resources. Proposed study programme attempts to enhance of education quality in doctoral study to a level comparable with leading European and world universities and to reach international competitiveness in the frame of European and worldwide research. The competitiveness will be reached in the doctoral study programme itself and also the programme graduates - internal researchers with specialization in Nanotechnology. The way to reach the target is a formation of the research-oriented doctoral study program Nanotechnology - Cotutelle, which is a concept characterized by double international supervision of dissertation thesis completed by obtaining two doctoral degrees - from VSB-TUO and a foreign university. The organization of the study will contribute to fulfilling the above-mentioned project target. Foreign specialists from Europe and world universities will be involved in the formation of the study programme. The long-term research stays in foreign universities will reflect new requirements of applied research to graduates of the research-oriented study programme and their experience in solution of scientific and research tasks.
Graduate's knowledge
Students of the doctoral study programme Nanotechnology - Cotutelle will gain wide theoretical and interdisciplinary knowledge in the fields of physics, chemistry, material engineering, applied mathematics, and application of computational methods at VSB-TUO and foreign universities. They will learn to describe, design, and prepare nanostructures and nanomaterials in the frame of appropriately selected subjects, particularly during the preparation of the dissertation thesis. Their theoretical knowledge will be completed by experiences with modern technological processes, modelling, design, preparation, testing, and industrial application of nanostructures.
Graduate's skills
Students after graduation will be able to design and apply advanced scientific methods, apply them in their research to obtain original results and consequently contribute to the enhancement of knowledge in the scientific field. Attention will be devoted to developing the individual creative thinking of the students of the doctoral study programme Nanotechnology - Cotutelle and presenting the obtained results to specialists and the public. The students will be led to active participation in national and international scientific conferences. and publication of their research results in high-level international journals.
Graduate's general competence
Graduates of the doctoral study programme will be able to formulate scientific problems themselves, perform their analysis, and realize their solutions originally. They will learn to use modern experimental techniques and critically evaluate obtained results with state of the art published. Based on research stays in foreign countries the students will make the connection between theory and experiences and enhance communication with the international scientific community. The students will experience international team collaboration. The students will have a duty to be involved in research and development during their studies. During the foreign stay, they will obtain invaluable technical and also growing professional experiences, which will be an advantage in their future careers.
Career Opportunities
Graduate's employment
The innovativeness of the proposed study programme is given in (i) the creation of a narrow connection of doctoral study with applied research by the implementation of research stays in foreign into the study plan of the novel research-focused doctoral programme. The graduates will find employment in research institutes, universities, and also in research and development departments of companies focused on advanced technologies.
Typical employment positions:
- Education of top-class specialists in the field of Nanotechnology-Cotutelle significantly increases their employment, particularly in research and applied technology.
- The potential jobs consist of positions in applied research, independent research, development, and testing industry, research institutes or specialized university departments in the Czech Republic or foreign, Moreover, due to the international character of the study the graduates will be competitive in the European and worldwide research and technology jobs. Typical employment positions are researchers and academic employees, university teachers, specialists in industrial research and innovations, leading metrology, heads of testing laboratories, technologists, and managers in industry.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.