PhD in Control of Machines and Processes
Ostrava, Czech Republic
4 Years
Full time, Part time
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CZK 500 / per semester
The study programme Control of Machines and Processes is focused on the control of machines and the control of processes. As a machine, you can imagine different production equipment and its subsystems, just as their grouping, it can be a robot, autonomous systems or mechatronic systems. The process can be not only a production technology in different fields of the industry but also it can be the decision-making processes and control processes at the upper level of the production and manufacturing processes.
The PhD student deepens knowledge of control systems components with a focus on microcontrollers, embedded control systems, PLCs and industrial PCs in connection with the topic of the dissertation. He extends one’s knowledge in the control systems design for machine or process control, measurement technology and sensors, and actuators including the hydraulic and pneumatic drives. He makes his knowledge of the design of the control algorithms for different control levels of the hierarchical control system deeper. He concentrates on logical control, continuous and discrete control methods, process visualization, analysis of dynamic systems and their modelling, identification and simulation and use of this expertise in the design of machine or process control. He gains experience with the practical use of different software like MATLAB, Simulink, LabView, ANSYS, Fluent etc
- Automatic Control Theory
- Technical Means of Automation
Choice-compulsory type B
- Advanced Methods of Control Engineering
- Computer Systems
- Development and implementation of control algorithms
- Drives of machines and mechanisms
- Fluid Mechanisms Control
- Hydraulic Components and Systems
- Mechatronics
- Optimization
- Pneumatic Components and Systems
- Process Systems
- Robotics
- Signal Processing
- Simulation and modelling of fluid elements and systems
- Smart Sensors and Intelligent Instrumentation
- Software Engineering
- System Analysis
- System Identification and Modeling
- Testing and Machine Diagnostics
Program Outcome
Hard Skills
- Applied informatics and management
- Programming of industrial PLC applications
- Dynamics calculations
- Knowledge of signal processing methods
- Knowledge of automation
- Programming of industrial PCs SW Matlab
- Presentation and defense of work results
- Process simulation
- Knowledge of management methods and techniques
- Knowledge of mathematical models
Study Aims
The doctoral study programme Control of Machines and Processes offers the graduates of the master study programme in Mechanical Engineering, Automation or Mechatronics to deepen their knowledge in the theoretical field of automatic control as well as in the practical oriented subjects. The study plan is created from theoretical subjects Applied mathematics, System Identification, Simulation and Optimization. The practical-oriented subjects are focused on multilayer and distributed control systems including the used software tools, design and control of the actuators of different types – electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic, and microcontroller systems, measurement and sensors, and diagnostics. In pursuance of the experimental work, the student acquires the experience from the research work in the area of control of machines and processes. The structure of the study plan which consists of the given number of subjects from the mentioned modules is specified individually for each student in connection to the topic of the dissertation.
Graduate's Knowledge
The graduate of the doctoral study programme acquires a deep and systematic knowledge of theoretical methods in the field of Control of Machines and Processes, particularly in Automatic Control, System Analysis, Diagnostics, Modelling and Simulation, Signal Processing and Control Systems as well as obtains knowledge from Applied Informatics and Industrial Hierarchical Control Systems including Measurement and Signal Processing in engineering, automotive industry and also in non-manufacturing sector. He can apply the knowledge and deep understanding of cognition in the field of study by individually solving the given problem, as well as by leading the team.
Graduate's Skills
The graduate of the doctoral study programme can propose and use the scientific methods of control of the machines and processes, he masters the experimental methods in the field of measurement, diagnostics and simulation of dynamic systems and physical and technological processes and implementation of the control systems.
Graduate's General Competence
The obtained knowledge allows graduates to make a critical analysis of the given tasks, and to propose and evaluate the alternative ways of their solution. He can defend his proposals successfully and transform them into the systematic necessary steps leading to a successful solution. He can communicate with the expert’s community, to make knowledgeable judgments. This ability makes him ready to hold the position of the head of the research or development team. The experience from R&D and problem-solving gives him the ability to continue learning and to get new experiences and abilities. He can discuss the problems in the field of Control of Machines and Processes at least in one foreign language.
Career Opportunities
Graduate's Employment
The graduate is able to work in research and development in Control of Machines and Processes and he has experience important to hold the position of the head of the research or development team in this field. He can work as a specialist in control systems, measurement, signal processing, computer simulation and design and development of mechatronic systems. He is ready to start a career in the industry and as well at the university.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.