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University of Technology Sydney Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property
University of Technology Sydney

Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property

1 up to 1 Years

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Full time, Part time

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* in AUD per 24cp session


The unique feature of this course is that it may be undertaken entirely online, removing the need for students to attend face-to-face classes.

Graduates can choose subjects that provide an understanding of the principles of: the registered trade mark system in Australia and New Zealand, including the protection of unregistered marks and related forms of protection against misleading or unfair trading conduct in Australia and New Zealand patents law, patents systems, interpretation and validity of, including the content and implications of a patent specification and claims as well as related confidential information and know-how enabling them to advise upon possible questions of patent infringement, validity and compliance design law and practice in Australia and New Zealand, enabling them to advise upon possible questions of design infringement, validity and compliance legal process and professional conduct regulation of trade mark attorneys and Trans-Tasman patent attorneys in Australia and New Zealand. Graduates may also choose from optional subjects, including copyright law, global aspects of intellectual property law, intellectual property and traditional knowledge, intellectual property and human rights and intellectual property commercialisation.

Depending on the subjects taken, graduates may seek registration as a trade mark attorney in Australia and may fulfil most of the educational requirements for registration as a Trans-Tasman patent attorney in Australia and New Zealand. Arts administrators or media professionals may enhance career options through building expertise in the commercialisation or management of intellectual property assets. Other career options include: IP lawyer, IP portfolio manager, policy maker and government regulator. This course enables overseas registered attorneys to undertake the necessary subjects that the Trans-Tasman IP Attorneys Board requires for Australian or New Zealand registration.

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