The University of Parma, which boasts a thousand years of history, has now about 30,000 students and 1,739 professors, researchers and administrative staff. Its rich course catalogue is made up of 42 First Cycle Degree Courses, 47 Second Cycle Degree Courses (9 of which entirely held in english) and 7 Single Cycle Degree Courses (1 of whichentirely held in english) organized into 9 Departments.
University of Parma
The University of Parma, which boasts a thousand years of history, has now about 30,000 students and 1,739 professors, researchers and administrative staff. Its rich course catalogue is made up of 42 First Cycle Degree Courses, 47 Second Cycle Degree Courses (9 of which entirely held in English) and 7 Single Cycle Degree Courses (1 of which entirely taught in English) organized into 9 Departments.
The University
In the city centre you can find the Departments of Arts and Humanities, Economics, Law and Politics, Medicine and Surgery and Veterinary Science. The other scientific Departments (Chemistry, Life Sciences and Environmental Sustainability; Engineering and Architecture; Food and Drug; Mathematical, Physical and Computer Sciences) are located in the University Campus, a 77-hectare area in the southern side of the city which also hosts a brand new Technopole and cutting-edge sports facilities for all students.
In addition, Parma is a very nice human-scale city, where life is pleasant and inhabitants are friendly and welcoming: it is not by chance that more than half of our students comes from other Italian provinces, and, consequently, our University is ranked among the top ones for the number of non-resident students. Welcome, research, attention and innovation: they are the key elements to fully accomplish our mission, that is to grant you a complete and authentic experience of personal, intellectual and professional growth. You are, indeed, the centre of all our activities, the heart of one of the most important European Universities, which still preserves its ancient prestige while projecting itself into the future.
Scientific research activities of world excellence
Today, more than ever, “innovation” is one of the keywords of the University of Parma. Within the structures of the University of Parma there are scientific research activities of world excellence. The research areas range from agri-food to biotechnology, from pharmaceutical innovation to experimental medicine, not to mention the importance of studies in the legal, economic, humanistic, engineering, architectural and veterinary medical fields. Among the excellences, we must not forget the discoveries on the “mirror neurons” in the area of Neuroscience, the studies in Information Engineering that led to the creation of autonomous vehicles (without driver), the studies in the field of mathematics and those in the food sector, in which the University of Parma - also thanks to its position in the center of the Food Valley - aims to consolidate its status as a reference point, not only at regional level.
Tecnopolo and applied research
Another basic element of the University of Parma is the activity carried out within the Tecnopolo, where both the applied research of the interdepartmental centers and the “labs” of University partner companies in the research activities can develop, within a Campus which is the heart of innovation for the whole area.
The food project
The Food Project is an initiative promoted by the University of Parma with the aim of harmonizing and strengthening the skills and the competencies already existing within the University, at the research and teaching level, in the food sector, and to promote scientific interaction among in universities, industries, research centres, and with national and international educational institutions. The goal is to make the University of Parma a recognized European hub in the field of food technology and nutrition.
Accessing the degree courses
EU nationals may find all relevant access information HERE
Non-EU nationals access to the University of Parma is guaranteed through the procedures detailed at the national "Studiare in Italia" Web portal.