PhD in Humanities and Social Sciences
Ljubljana, Slovenia
4 Years
Part time
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EUR 10,600 *
* Students who meet the requirements can obtain co-financing of tuition fees.
Key Summary
The Faculty of Social Sciences (FDV) is well known for its interdisciplinary study programs, research activities, and high-quality teaching, as well as many curricular and extra-curricular activities. The faculty builds its academic excellence through outstanding theoretical and empirical research, extensive scholarly publishing, and a successful transfer of research results in curricula as well as industries.
The duration of the interdisciplinary doctoral program at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana, is 4 years (240 ECTS credits) and represents the third level of the Bologna cycle. The program is in accordance with the requirements and legislation of the Republic of Slovenia and meets all the criteria for doctoral studies established by the European University Association. This enables the direct inclusion of program components in international exchanges with universities from other countries using the ECTS system. The program consists of organized classes (60 credits) and individual research work for the doctoral thesis (1800 credits).
The doctoral program at the Faculty of Social Sciences leads to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the following subject fields:
- Communication Sciences
- Cultural Studies
- Developmental Studies
- Diplomacy
- Environmental and Spatial Studies
- Human Resources and Organisational Studies
- International Relations
- Journalism Studies
- Life-Course Studies
- Marketing Communication
- Military Sociology Studies
- Policy Analysis
- Political Science
- Psychology of Communication
- Public Administration
- Public Relations
- Security Studies
- Sociology
- Social Informatics
- Social and Political Anthropology
- Social and Political Psychology
- Studies of Everyday Life
Fields coordinated by the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Social Sciences:
- American Studies
- Balkan Studies
- Epistemology Of The Humanities And Social Sciences
- Ethnic And Migration Studies
- European Studies
- Gender Studies
- Globalization Studies
- Media Studies
- Social Sciences Methodology
Field coordinated by the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Theology:
- Religious Studies
Possibilities for PhD studies
15 April 2025 at 1pm
1st Year
- Compulsory core course I
- Compulsory core course II
- Elective doctoral seminar I
- Elective doctoral seminar II
- Research work I
2nd Year
- External course
- Research work - Execution of the doctoral thesis topic
- Research Work - Registration and public presentation of the doctoral thesis topic
- Research Work - Work on the thesis and the academic article
3rd Year
- Research Work - Preparation of the doctoral thesis and academic article for publication
4th Year
- Research Work - Preparation of the doctoral thesis and academic article for publication
- Public presentation of research results - Public presentation of research results and defense of the doctoral thesis in front of a committee
Compulsory core courses are field-specific. For more information, see individual subject fields: https://www.fdv.uni-lj.si/en/study/study-at-the-FDV/doctoral-programmes
Program Outcome
Doctoral students will be qualified for independent and guided basic and applied research in the humanities and social sciences and related fields, independent scientific, research and teaching work, and various other types of work (advisory, educational, managerial) that require a high level of academic qualifications.
The basic goals of the doctoral program in The Humanities and Social Sciences are as follows:
- To acquire a thorough understanding of a wider research field and to excel in research in their specific field.
- To become capable of mature, independent, and critical thinking.
- To develop original approaches to research problems.
- To learn how to be independent in creating new knowledge and learning how to transmit that knowledge.
- To develop a high level of academic and research ethics.
Subject-specific competencies are congruent with subject fields of the humanities and social sciences and so with subjects of each field. They are listed in the course syllabus for each subject.