LL.B. International and European Environmental Law Degree
Wrocław, Poland
6 Semesters
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2024
EUR 2,300 / per year *
* EU candidates ; Non-EU candidates: €3,750
The foundations of the LL.B. International and European Environmental Law degree program are fully in line with the Development Strategy of the University of Wroclaw. The field of study created at the Faculty of Law, Administration, and Economics at the University of Wrocław has a general academic profile, the subject of which is legal education in the specialized field of law on the protection and use of the environment. The program treats human-environmental relations broadly, including in the scope of education in both the human rights dimension and the area related to sustainable development. International environmental problems are complex and interrelated and should therefore be approached holistically. Therefore, the program is comprehensive and covers many issues directly related to the use and protection of the environment. Students also learn about all basic disciplines of legal knowledge. The aim of the studies is to educate a specialized cadre of employees or entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies in environmental law.
Graduates can apply for employment in international or European organizations and institutions, other public and non-public entities, including institutions and specialist companies engaged in environmental protection, institutions responsible for financing environmental protection activities, environmental protection departments of companies and enterprises, non-governmental organizations working for environmental and nature protection. They can also start their own business
1st Semester (Autumn) Compulsory
- Introduction to Law
- Public International Law
- Argumentation for Lawyers
- Fundamentals of Economics
- Introduction to Earth Sciences
- Comparative Constitutional Law
- Polish Language for Foreigners A1
2nd Semester (Spring) Compulsory
- Polish Language for Foreigners A1
- Political, Legal and SocioeconomicThought
- EU Law and Institutions
- Fundamentals of Private Law
- Historical Evolution of Nature Protection
- Introduction to Biodiversity
- Initial training in the field of health and safety and fire protection
2nd Semester (Spring) Elective
- NGOs: Law&Governance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Ethics for Lawyers
- Green Criminology
3rd Semester (Autumn) Compulsory
- Administrative Law and Procedures
- Public Finance, Law & Environment
- International Environmental Law
- Environment and Human Rights
- Foreign Language B2
3rd Semester (Autumn) Elective
- Disasters and International Migration
- E-Business
- International Personality
- State Jurisdiction
4th Semester (Spring) Compulsory
- Foreign Language B2
- Judicial Protection in the EU
- Fundamentals of Criminal Law
- Participatory Environmental Rights
- EU Environmental Law
- Settlement of International Environmental Disputes
4th Semester (Spring) Elective
- Environmental Governance
- Environment and International Trade
- Protection of Animals
- Indigenous People
5th Semester (Autumn) Compulsory
- Law of Nature Protection & Biodiversity
- Law Moot Courts
- Waste management
- Environmental Crimes
- Climate Change Law and Policy
- B.A. Seminar
5th Semester (Autumn) Elective
- Planning Law & Smart Cities
- Environment and EU Internal Market
- Environmental Impact Assessments
- Taxes and fees system in environmental protection
6th Semester (Spring) Compulsory
- B.A. Seminar
- Natural Resources Law
- Protection of Marine and Water Environment
- Intellectual Property Law
- Law on Liability for Environmental Damage
6th Semester (Spring) Elective
- GMO, Food Content&Safety Issue
- International Investment Agreements
- Environment and Law of Armed Conflicts
- Environmental Law and Entrepreneurs' Responsibilities
60 hours compulsory physical education will be carried out from the 2nd to the 5th semester; the assessment will be completed in the 5th semester