Masters of Science In Nursing Administration
Arlington, USA
18 up to 24 Months
Full time
Request application deadline *
Request earliest startdate
USD 11,044 **
* The priority deadline for a fall start is March 15. However, some doctoral programs may have earlier application priority dates. Applications are still accepted after the priority date for each term but submitting your application before the priority deadline increases your chances for being accepted into your program of choice.
** For the 2022-2023 academic year.
Key Summary
The Masters of Science in nursing administration (MSN) program can prepare students for a career as a nurse manager. The MSN incorporates contemporary management theory and core competencies, enabling our graduates to function in a variety of health care settings.
About The Program
'The MSN in nursing administration program builds on a foundation of undergraduate nursing education and practical experience. Our graduates gain advanced knowledge and skills to function in leadership and management roles in the constantly changing health care environment.
This program provides a background to:
- Facilitate a successful career in Nursing Administration as a front-line or mid-level leader and manager.
- Apply knowledge and skills acquired through course content in a workplace environment inclusive of nursing theory, research, evidence-based practice, nursing informatics, and management.

Degree Plan
A degree plan is developed for the student upon admission to the MSN Program. Students are required to have any changes in the degree plan approved by a Graduate Academic Advisor prior to registration. A minimum of 36 semester hours, thesis or non-thesis option, is required for the degree. Elective coursework that supports the selected nursing study area must be approved by a Graduate Academic Advisor prior to registration. Students electing the thesis option do not have elective course requirements.
MSN students must complete hours in required courses, nursing specialty area, functional role, and elective(s) depending on a specific plan.
MSN Required Courses - All Programs Including Dual Degree Programs
- NURS 5327 --- Exploration of Science and Theories for Nursing --- 3
- NURS 5366 --- Principles of Research in Nursing --- 3
- NURS 5367 --- Evidence-Based Practice --- 3
Nursing Administration
- NURS 5308 --- Nursing Informatics --- 3
- NURS 5311 --- Nursing Management in the Health Care Environment --- 3
- NURS 5340 --- Management Seminar and Practice --- 3
- NURS 5341 --- Financial Management in Nursing --- 3
- NURS 5342 --- Management of Nursing Operations --- 3
- NURS 5343 --- Nursing Leadership and Complex Health Care Systems --- 3
- NURS 5382 --- Nursing and Health Care Policy: Issues and Analysis --- 3
- Required Elective --- 3
Functional Role
- NURS 5339 --- Roles and Functions of the Nurse Administrator --- 3
Total Hours --- 36
Career Opportunities
- Advancement in roles of nursing leadership, nursing management, and nursing administration.
- Career advancements of graduates are individualized and occur in a number of environments, such as acute care, transitional care, long-term care, rehabilitation, outpatient, home health agencies, quality management, managed care organizations, case management, ACOs, governmental agencies, accreditation services, public health departments, independent school districts, and as faculty in schools of nursing.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!