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University of Prince Edward Island PhD in Sustainable Design Engineering
University of Prince Edward Island

PhD in Sustainable Design Engineering

Charlottetown, Canada

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UPEI's Doctor of Philosophy in Sustainable Design Engineering (PhD-SDE) program aims to train graduates who have in-depth expertise in applying principles of sustainable design engineering to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research challenges. Independent research is the major focus of the PhD program-SDE degree, and students will identify a research topic and conduct an extensive body of original research in their field, making a true contribution exemplifying the student's depth of knowledge, creativity, innovation and proven ability to make significant scientific research contributions.

Students will be required to take at least four (4) graduate-level courses (equivalent to at least 12 credits) in addition to SDE 8010 (PhD Thesis) and SDE 8900 (Seminar). Normally these courses should be selected from the PhD-SDE Graduate-Level Courses listed below. Upon approval of the student's supervisory committee, up to two graduate-level courses may be taken from outside the FSDE. All students must complete the SDE 8030 - Contemporary Topics in Sustainable Design Engineering course unless they receive approval from their supervisory committee to take an alternate FSDE graduate-level course. In the case of students who transfer from the MSc-SDE program at UPEI, any PhD-SDE Graduate-Level Courses completed during their MSc degree will count towards their PhD degree. Each student is expected to complete these courses within the first 24 months of the degree, before or in the concurrent semester of their PhD Comprehensive Exam.

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