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University of Pitesti


The first higher education school in Piteşti was founded in 1962 and was called the "3-year Pedagogical Institute" with pedagogical specializations in Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Philology and Physical Education, and Sports. The opening of the technical specializations followed, leading to the establishment of the Institute of Sub Engineers (1969), united in 1974 under the name of the Institute of Higher Education.


The first higher education school in Piteşti was founded in 1962 and was called the "3-year Pedagogical Institute" with pedagogical specializations in Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Philology and Physical Education, and Sports. The opening of the technical specializations followed, leading to the establishment of the Institute of Sub Engineers (1969), united in 1974 under the name of the Institute of Higher Education. Subsequently, there were various other forms of organization, in a period under the subordination of the Bucharest Polytechnic Institute, reaching 1991, when, after three decades of accumulations in this intellectual segment, it became autonomous and received the name "University of Pitesti".

Starting from the beginning, the University of Pitesti has polarized the interest of many young people in the country for the programs of study it offered, for the quality of the education provided by the exceptional academic staff, but also for the students from all over the world, since Pitesti is famous for the largest Romanian Language Training Center for Foreign Students.


The University of Pitesti assumes the mission of education and research, by realizing the modern university's trinom: education - research - community services, as follows:

  • Professional development at the university and postgraduate level and in the concept of lifelong learning, for the purpose of personal development, insertion of graduates into the labor market, the satisfaction of the socio-economic environment's competence, and adaptability to permanent changes.
  • Generating and transferring knowledge through fundamental and applicative scientific research, development, innovation and technology transfer, individual and collective creation, relevant and meaningful at regional, national and international level.
  • Promoting and developing partnerships at the local, regional, and national level in order to involve the University in solving community problems and increasing visibility and prestige.

In over 50 years of existence in the Romanian university space, the University of Pitesti has been and is recognized as a source of human resource, prepared in a formula of excellence for the local, national and international labor market. The University of Pitesti provides free and coordinated access to modern education, folded on the needs and realities of the European socio-economic environment.

In all these years, there was a major concern for the development of the education in the Arges County, the educational offer thus becoming very generous, opening branches in the areas of interest in the region.

  • Pitești

    Str. Targu din Vale nr. 1, 110040, Pitești

University of Pitesti