University Of Muhammadiyah Malang
University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) currently manages 10 faculties with 1 Postgraduate Program and 3 Doctoral Programs. Of the three programs, there are 3 Diploma Study Programs, 35 Bachelor 1 Study Programs, 11 Postgraduate Study Programs, 3 Doctoral Programs and 4 Professional Programs. The number is still growing. Grow more and become bigger.
University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) currently manages 10 faculties with 1 Postgraduate Program and 3 Doctoral Programs. Of the three programs, there are 3 Diploma Study Programs, 35 Bachelor 1 Study Programs, 11 Postgraduate Study Programs, 3 Doctoral Programs and 4 Professional Programs. The number is still growing. Grow more and become bigger.
Lecture activities are spread across three campuses, namely Campus I for the Study Program and Physiotherapy Profession, Campus II for the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences and Campus III which are the main campuses, where most of the activities of other faculties, including Post-Graduate, take place.
Providing a comprehensive learning experience, UMM is committed to providing competent teaching staff who collaborate with the best facilities to support student learning processes. Libraries, laboratories, corners of various countries, applied laboratories until sports facilities are ready to provide a different learning experience.
UMMโs Vision and Mission
To be a leading university in science, technology, and art based on Islamic values.
- To provide professional research-based education and learning in science, technology, and art.
- To conduct research for the development of science, technology, and art.
- To provide research-based community services for society's welfare.
- To strengthen mutual relations with external parties.
- To provide training and development for UMM academicians based on the Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
- To implement professional institution governance based on Islamic values.
- To generate academicians who are capable of mastering and developing research-based science, technology, and art.
- To conduct research contributing to the development of science, technology, and art.
- To conduct research-based community services for the improvement of society's welfare.
- To establish international relations in science, technology, and art.
- To generate civilized academician's based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
- To establish institutional professionalism based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
- To increase the quantity and to improve the quality of UMM academicians in mastering and developing research-based science, technology, and art.
- To improve the UMM academicians capable of mastering and developing research-based science, technology, and art.
- To increase the quantity and to improve the quality of research contributing to the development of science, technology, and art.
- To develop research contributing to the development of science, technology, and art.
- To increase the quantity and to improve the quality of research-based community services to improve society's welfare.
- To develop the research-based community services to improve society's welfare.
- To strengthen international relations in science, technology, and art.
- To develop international relations in science, technology, and art to be internationally recognized.
- To develop the practice of the Islamic and Muhammadiyah values both internally and externally.
- To develop the courteous, tolerant, and modern values of Islam & Muhammadiyah as the manifestation of progressive Islam.
- To improve the units' performance based on policies and central functions following the Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
- To improve work ethics and organizational behavior based on Islamic and Muhammadiyah values.
The staff at University of Muhammadiyah Malang consist of; lecturer and employee. There are several types of lecturer; the permanent lecturer, contractual lecturer and extraordinary lecturer. The employee consist of Permanent Employees, Contractual Employees, Part-timer Student (Part-Timer) and Outsourcing Employees. Especially for part timer employee UMM involves the student who is taking final project.
The facility which is provided by UMM are; academic facilities, non academic facilities, supporting facilities, recreational facilities and public facilities. All facilities are provided for all academic community and most of them can be used by public community, such as; UMM Dome, Hotel, UMM Medical Center, Gas Station, Sengkaling Recreation Park, etc.
The UMM students will be completed by general to specific facilities. All are facilities are provided with national and international standard quality. In the academic side, the latest technology is also applied so that the learning process can keep pace with the times. In addition, UMM has the Applied Laboratories ready to provide learning experiences for all students at UMM.
Dr. Mariman Darto, SE, M.Si
Head of the Center for Training and Development and Studies on Decentralization and Regional Autonomy, State Administration Institute (Puslatbang KDOD LAN).
Faculty of Economics and Business
"Being a UMM student is an important asset. The accreditation of institutions and study programs that all achieved A gave a message that UMM was equal to the top PTNs in Indonesia. The key then lies with us. The main task of students is to answer the challenge of fulfilling qualifications, competencies needed by the world of work."
Muhammad Ali Wahyudi, M.Pd.
Founder and Chairman of Tazkia IIBS Malang
Alumni of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Masters in Education Development Policy
"I am grateful that there are many lecturers at UMM who not only provide academic teaching but also provide opportunities to hone the entrepreneurial spirit and be invited to meet with great people. This is an extraordinary science besides the academic sciences."
Dian Berkah, SHI., MHI., Dr.
Founder and President Commissioner of Berkah Fintek Syariah
Alumni of Sharia Study Program, Faculty of Islam
"During college, the lecturers actively taught me to write and organize, both internally and externally on campus. Finally, I published 4 books (Guruku Inspirasiku, Sukses Berpuasa, Menggapai kesuksesan Hidup dan Mewujudkan Impian Masyarakat Berkemajuan. red) and writing scientific articles in national and international journals."
Dimas Agung Mahendra, S.P.
Founder Aquagro Indonesia Mature
Alumni of Agribusiness Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
"UMM is learning by doing. Our learning system is completely removed, especially for the agribusiness study program. Asked to go to the field and look for farmers directly. So a lot of discussion and understanding of how to negotiate to find common ground."
Lailatul Fauziyah, S.T.
Assistant Engineer of PT PLN (Persero) UP3 Parepare South Sulawesi.
Alumni of Electrical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering
"Studying at the white campus has become my most memorable educational track, here I study independently and prepare myself to be ready to go into society."
- Malang
Malang, Indonesia