Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry
Limerick, Ireland
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
Request tuition fees
The Pharmaceutical & Industrial Chemistry degree course qualifies you for employment in a variety of professional careers in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, biomedical and chemical sectors. The course structure combines both theory and practical work to ensure graduates are well prepared for the challenges of a position in each of these fields upon graduation. Fundamental and applied aspects of organic, inorganic, physical and analytical chemistry are covered as well as key elements of computational chemistry and chemical engineering.
In the third year of the programme, you will spend eight months as a full-time paid employee of a pharmaceutical or chemical company during the work placement period (Cooperative Education). The course is accredited by the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland and the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) with graduates eligible for RSC Chartered Chemist status.
Scholarships and Funding
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.
Year 1
Semester 1
- General Chemistry 1
- Biology 1
- Science Mathematics1
- Laboratory Calculations
- Introduction to Environmental & Biosciences
- Introduction to Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Introduction to Scientific Computations
Semester 2
- Biology for Biosciences
- Organic Chemistry 1
- IntroductiontoPHYSICS
- Science Mathematics 2
- General Chemistry 2 (INORGANIC)
- General Chemistry 2 (PHYSICAL)
Year 2
Semester 3
- Maths 3
- Physical Chemistry 2 (Adv Kinetics and Photochemistry)
- Analytical Chemistry 1
- Organic Chemistry 2 (Mechanism & Reaction)
- Inorganic Chemistry 2 (Periodicity and Transition Elements)
Semester 4
- Maths 4
- Physical Chemistry 3 (Phase Equilibria)
- Analytical Chemistry 2 (Seperation Methods)
- Organic Chemistry 3 (Biomolecules and Heterocycles)
- Process Technology 1 (Process Modelling and Control)
Year 3
Semester 5
- Physical Chemistry 4 (Electrochemistry)
- Analytical Chemistry 3 (Solids and Surface Analysis)
- Organic Chemistry 4 (Polymers)
- Process Technology 2 (Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer)
- Process Technology 3 (Reactor Design and Operation)
Semester 6
- Cooperative Education
Year 4
Semester 7
- Pharmaceutical Formulation
- Process Technology 4 (Mass Transfer Separations)
- Organic Pharm Chemistry 1
- Final Year Project 1
Semester 8
- Organic Pharm Chemistry 2
- Analytical Chemistry 4 (Advanced Spectroscopy)
- Batch (Pharmaceutical) Process Engineering
- Final Year Project 2
Program Outcome
NFQ Level 8 major Award Honours Bachelor Degree
- Analysing and problem-solving
- Monitoring/maintaining records and data
- Working in teams
- Communicating (verbal and written)
- Excellent laboratory techniques
- Specific knowledge in the traditional fields of chemistry, inorganic, organic, physical, analytical and materials
- Strong mathematical and numerical ability
- Time management
- IT skills
- GradDip in Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (Graduate Entry)
- MAin Business Management
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Graduates progressing directly into employment take up a wide variety of roles. The following provides a sample of initial roles listed on the Graduate Outcomes Survey by graduates approximately one year after graduation:
- Graduate Research & Development Chemist
- Teaching Assistant
- Operations Associate
- Product Design Lead
- Production Engineer
- Regulatory Affairs Specialist
- Research Chemist
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.