University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy (Faculty of Medicine)
Sahlgrenska Academy is the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Gothenburg. We train doctors, nurses, dentists and several sought-after care professions. Examples of strong research areas are cancer, cardiovascular disease, women's and children's health, metabolism, neuropsychiatric diseases, person-centred care and odontology.
Sahlgrenska Academy is the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Gothenburg. We train doctors, nurses, dentists and several sought-after care professions. Examples of strong research areas are cancer, cardiovascular disease, women's and children's health, metabolism, neuropsychiatric diseases, person-centred care and odontology.
Our main campus Medicinareberget is being developed to meet future needs for students, teachers and researchers. Within a few years, Medicinareberget will be the focal point for the university's Life Science activities. Much of our research and education also take place on campus shared with public healthcare, especially at the hospitals within Sahlgrenska University Hospital. In dentistry, we have a corresponding collaboration with the public dental service in Västra Götaland.
- Gothenburg
Medicinaregatan 3, 413 90, Gothenburg