University of Defence
The University of Defence plays the key role of the Czech military professional personnel university-level education and the scientific research within the MoD. Education and research are, therefore, the school’s priorities, completed with expert and processing work.
The University of Defence plays the key role of the Czech military professional personnel university-level education and the scientific research within the MoD. Education and research are, therefore, the school’s priorities, completed with expert and processing work. The University of Defence provides accredited education in bachelor, master and doctoral degree programmes in the military, military management, economics, engineering or health care. The follow-on training at the UoD is organised in lifelong education programmes in career, purpose and special courses of post-gradual nature. The University of Defence takes an irreplaceable position in the Czech university-level education system. The provided education is comparable to that of the civilian university in the Czech Republic.
The University is responsible for the education of military professionals and other experts engaged in national security and defence based on the requests of the Army of the Czech Republic, government administration and treaty commitments for other democratic countries. Education is based on the latest knowledge on militarism, research and development on national and international scales and internal research to provide for wide and general graduate profiles for their better assertion and career promotion under variable conditions of the military environment. The versatile education enables the University graduates a better position also in civilian life.
- Brno
Kounicova,65, 662 10, Brno