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University of Camerino the international School of Advanced Studies Ph.D. in Legal and Social Sciences
University of Camerino the international School of Advanced Studies

Ph.D. in Legal and Social Sciences

Camerino, Italy

3 Years

English, Italian

Full time

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Key Summary

    About: The Ph.D. in Legal and Social Sciences focuses on advanced research and inquiry in law and social science disciplines. It aims to develop scholarly knowledge and foster critical thinking skills in students, preparing them for academic and professional success.
    Career Outcomes: Graduates may pursue careers in academia, legal research, public policy, or consulting. Possible roles include university professor, legal advisor, policy analyst, or researcher in governmental and non-governmental organizations.


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Area: Legal and Social Sciences

  • Civil law and Constitutional Legality
  • Fundamental Rights in the Global Society

Civil Law and Constitutional Legality

The curriculum Civil Law and Constitutional Legality pursues the acquisition of methodologies aimed at developing techniques of interpretation appropriate to the complexity of the law in force; the ability to interpret on the basis of value regulations national, European and international concerning relations of private law; the reinterpretation of legal economic relations within the personalistic perspective existing constitutional legal order.

Have deepened the delicate relationship between substantive law and procedural law, with particular attention to the issue of civil justice and the use of alternative instruments to the judicial process for the resolution of disputes.


Fundamental Rights in the Global Society

The Curriculum Fundamental rights in the global society will train researchers able to manage โ€“ starting from different disciplinary approaches โ€“ issues related to the globalization of the language of rights, their constitutional role as fundamental rights in national and supranational law systems, the tension between universalism and particularism resulting from Western origin of language rights and the need to interpret it in different cultural contexts.

Special care will be paid for the following profiles:

  • historical roots;
  • theoretical and constitutional status of human rights;
  • evolution and risks related to economic and social transformations;
  • internal, transnational and international facets of their protection.


English Language Requirements

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