Doctor of Social Sciences
Surabaya, Indonesia
3 Years
Full time
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IDR 12,500,000 / per semester *
* Indonesian Applicants Education Fee; Admission Fee: 12500000 IDR; Matriculation Fee: 5000000 IDR. International Applicants Education Fee: 25000000 IDR; Admission Fee: 35000000 IDR
Key Summary
The study program Study of Social Sciences was taken from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences which had been the first to manage the Social and Political Science Strata 1 Program in Universitas Airlangga in 1978. Thus, this Study Program designed by Professor Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto, MPA, and Professor A Ramlan Surbakti, MA., Ph.D. was then referred to as the Social Science Doctoral Program albeit being under the management of the Post-Graduate Program of Universitas Airlangga. The legal basis for the formation of the Social Science Doctoral Program is Surat Keputusan (SK) Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI Nomor: 593/DIKTI/KEP/1993 dated November 4th 1993. The Social Science Doctoral Study Program Universitas Airlangga has filed for accreditaion to the Badan Akreditasi Nasional – Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT), and had been graded A, based on SK BAN PT No: 010/BAN-PT/Ak-VIII/S3/XII/2009, dated December 4th 2009.
Since its conception, the Social Science Doctoral Program was conducted at the Post-Graduate building of Universitas Airlangga, located on the B Campus, Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya. For approximately twenty years, the Social Science Doctoral Program had been managed under the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Airlangga, until 2012 when the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences began to manage it.
The implementation of education, particularly higher education, is strongly influenced by the changes and developments of the strategic environment, which confronts every high-level education in various challenges, in addition to the constraints and problems that must be addressed. This is the basis of thought since the beginning of the establishment of the Social Science Doctoral Program at Airlangga University.
Fisip UNAIR’s Doctoral Program in Social Sciences has several interests, namely Sociology, Anthropology, International Relations, Communication, State Administration, and Digital Society. Since 2019, the Doctoral program of Social Sciences FISIP UNAIR organizes a Program by Research that prioritizes research as the main activity and academic activities are carried out independently with a clear and connected external. Once the doctoral program participants are accepted, they will be given debriefing in the fields of methodology, theory, philosophy, methods of writing, and writing scientific information as a means for scientific publication.
Becoming a competent Study Program able to keep up with the developmental needs of future Social Sciences by being innovative, professional, independent, and leaderly at the national and international level, and striving to be a pioneer in solving social problems at local and regional levels, based on religious morals.
To realize the Vision of the Study Program mentioned above, the Mission and Purpose of Education of Doctoral Program of Social Science are directed to achieve the following matters:
- Organizing academic education, based on the power of social science theories ranging from classical, modern, critical, and postmodern (contemporary) using modern learning technology;
- Carry out basic research, applied and innovative policy research to support the development of science, education, and community service;
- Professing expertise in the field of social sciences and political science to the public;
- To strive for independence in the implementation of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi through institutional development and management-oriented on quality and ability to compete internationally.
The study program Study of Social Sciences was taken from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences which had been the first to manage the Social and Political Science Strata 1 Program in Universitas Airlangga in 1978. Thus, this Study Program designed by Professor Soetandyo Wignjosoebroto, MPA, and Prof. A Ramlan Surbakti, MA., Ph.D. was then referred to as the Social Science Doctoral Program albeit being under the management of the Post-Graduate Program of Universitas Airlangga.
The legal basis for the formation of the Social Science Doctoral Program is Surat Keputusan (SK) Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan RI Nomor: 593/DIKTI/KEP/1993 dated November 4th 1993. The Social Science Doctoral Study Program Universitas Airlangga has filed for accreditaion to the Badan Akreditasi Nasional – Perguruan Tinggi (BAN-PT), and had been graded A, based on SK BAN PT No: 010/BAN-PT/Ak-VIII/S3/XII/2009, dated December 4th 2009.
Since its conception, the Social Science Doctoral Program was conducted at the Post-Graduate building of Universitas Airlangga, located on the B Campus, Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya. For approximately twenty years, the Social Science Doctoral Program had been managed under the Postgraduate Program of Universitas Airlangga, until 2012 when the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences began to manage it.
The Social Sciences Doctoral Program continues to increase their academic performance, according to social dynamics, developmental needs, and the advances of social sciences. Since 2016, the Social Sciences Doctoral Program has redesigned its curricula to be more accommodating to social dynamics and needs whilst adhering to its identity as a social science. The curriculum based on political sciences is emphasized in the first and second semester, but a more concentrated approach to students’ interests are emphasized from the third semester onwards.
Students Variations
The average number of students accepted is 25 students each year. Student backgrounds are those who have worked as lecturers, researchers, consultants, civil servants, TNI, and journalists. In addition to domestic students, the social science doctoral study program also accepts students from abroad, such as Gambia, Madagascar, Poland, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and others. The students who want to join Social Science Doctoral Program are not only from certain a field, but vary. This further enhances the development of science in a multidisciplinary manner.
The research that has been done by the lecturers in the Social Science Study Program of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Airlangga University is not only funded from the internal fund sources of RKAT, but also the research result of cooperation with the government, both at the provincial and district/city level in East Java until the research cooperation with the central government and international agencies.
Research on collaboration with the local and central government is generally applied research, with topics around development issues and programming efforts to address social issues such as poverty, unemployment, SMEs, rural development, agricultural development, women empowerment, and others. During this time, a number of SKPD which has been a lot of research cooperation with lecturers in the Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Airlangga University is Bappeda, Department of Cooperatives and SMEs, Department of Youth and Sports, Social Services, and other SKPD. SKPD that has cooperated in the field of research is not only derived from the Regency / City and Government of East Java Province, but also the Government of Bontang City, East Kalimantan. At the national level, research collaboration is conducted with the Office of the Ministry of Research and Technology and the Office of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
A number of research results, over the last three years, are not only recorded as research reports and accountability to funding institutions but the main findings of the research are also attempted to be written and published in various scientific journals, both accredited national journals and international journals. Incentive fund support from faculty for lecturers whose articles are published in accredited national journals and international journals is one of the factors driving the passion of lecturers to write in scientific journals. Some of the noted lecturers of the articles are not only published in accredited national journals, such as Makara UI Journal or MKP Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Airlangga University journals but also international journals.
During these three years, several lecturers of the Doctoral Program of Social Sciences Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of Airlangga University University have been known to publish books used as a reference for students, among others; Anatomy and Development of Social Theory, and Social Philosophy. Several books of lecturers' work in the Social Science Study Program have been recorded to have incentive funds for textbook writing from Dikti. Some textbooks of lecturers’ work are not only published by Airlangga University Press but have also been published by reputable private publishers such as Prenada Media, Graha Ilmu, Aditya Media, and In-Trans.
Some lecturers in Social Science Studies Program, for the last three years, are also known to actively write articles in the mass media. A number of print media, such as Kompas, Jawa Pos, SINDO, Koran Tempo, Geo Times, and others are media places where lecturers Prodi Sociology often write popular scientific articles. During this time, the lecturers are generally also often a resource to comment on various social problems that occur in the community, whether on radio, newspapers, magazines, and even local and national television.
Recorded in 2012 there are 3 students whose research was successfully published in international journals (American Journal of Cultural Sociology, American Journal of Cultural Sociology Research and Editorial Inquiry and Subscription). While in 2013, there is 1 student whose scientific articles are published through the International Journal of Humanities and Social Science.
The analysis of the process of conducting the research should be conducted comprehensively, covering the research activities that have been and are being done and the involvement of the students who are conducting dissertation research. This analysis should be supported by data and information covering the field of research, title, time of execution, the source of fund, research result, either publication or IPR, and so on. The required supporting data includes (1) a list of dissertation titles of graduated doctoral students, (2) dissertation research associations with lecturer research in the last 3 years, including title, timeframe, funding source; (3) number of research publications that are part of the dissertation; and (4) lecturer research collaboration with students. Resource support in the form of facilities such as necessary tools and software should be explained in detail related to its adequacy in supporting the learning process and research.
Community Service
One of the activities of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi which becomes the duty and the working area of the lecturers in the environment of Doctoral Program of Social Sciences FISIP Airlangga University is to serve the society according to the competence of the mastered science field, carry out research cooperation and independent research, and publish various research results and scientific articles, at both national and international levels.
Some examples of research activities and community service have been:
- Action Research. Cultural Revitalization of Sebyar and Sumuri in Teluk Bintuni. Kerja sama BP Berau Ltd. & Fisip Universitas Airlangga, 2010.
- Impact Evaluation of Village Development Program Gerdu Taskin Support Model in East Java, Hibah Stranas, No 044/10/Dipa/RM Stranas/09th.th2009. LPPM-Unair BHMN.
- Monitoring and Evaluation Program Corporate Social Responsibility Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PJB), 2010. Kerjasama Pusat dan Fisip Unair.
- Conducting PkM in Kecamatan Genteng Surabaya (2013) with the theme KRR-Teenager Reproductive Health. Funded by FISIP-Universitas Airlangga, Rp 3.000.000.-
- Conducting PkM in Kabupaten Jombang, Jawa Timur with the theme Economic Empowerment and Domestic Abuse. Funded by FISIP-Universitas Airlangga, Rp 3.000.000,-
For the research of the student in the form of dissertations, during the last 3 years, they have produced 56 titles of dissertations so that the students deserve a doctoral degree in Social Sciences. The data presented are name, student, dissertation title, and name of promoter / co-promoter. The data presented is from December 2013 to September 2016. The field of science for the dissertation in the Social Science doctoral program has a variety of diverse studies, including Sociology, Politics, Culture, Art, Religion, Education, Communication, and Public Policy.
In doctoral education, the residency requirement for doctoral students of the Social Sciences Doctoral Program is 2 semesters. During two semesters students are required to adhere to the attendance rules and must be present for 75% of every class they enroll in. During those two semesters, classes are scheduled and presences are taken from the students as well as lecturers. There are midterm as well as end-term examinations every semester. Students are also given individual tasks, requiring doctoral students to attend classes full-time Monday-Friday from 7.00-18.00, thus doctoral students must reside in Surabaya or Surabaya adjacent, taking leave from their jobs (using study leave) and their institutions. Up until now, there has never been a problem regarding the full-time requirement.
Semester 1
Mandatory Courses
- Philosophy of Social Science
- Social Theory
- Methodology of Social Science Research
Take Specialized/Interest Course and Optional Course
- Contemporary Social Issues
- Study of Media and Communication Issues Media dan Komunikasi
- Political Issues in Indonesia
- Cultural Issues
- Public Policy and Administration Issues
- Issues of International Relations and Global
- Theories of Politics and Economy
- Information and Digital Library Society Issues
- Social Changes and Development
- Technics of Scientific Information Research
- Scientific Publication and Writings
Semester 2
Supportive Courses for Dissertation (SCDT) Theory, Methodology, and Material: Mandatory
- Specialized/Interest Theory
- Specialized/Interest Methodology
- Specialized/Interest Material
- Seminary of Proposal
Semester 3
- Dissertation Proposal
- International Seminary
- International Publication
- Seminar for the Results of the Research
- Dissertation Feasibility
- Test I (Private)
- Test II (UDT)