Master in Specialized Legal Studies
Barcelona, Spain
1 up to 1 Years
Full time
Request application deadline *
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EUR 28 / per credit **
* Third period: 2 to 10 September 2024 (if there are vacancies).
** 27.67 euros per credit (82 euros for students who are not EU nationals and do not currently reside in Spain). Fees for the academic year 2023-2024
Key Summary
The master's degree in Specialized Legal Studies is addressed to lawyers from Spain and abroad, including recent graduates and experienced professionals, who would like to receive additional research-oriented training and to refresh their knowledge of recent and innovative trends in law.
The master's degree in Specialized Legal Studies is a university master's degree course offered by the University of Barcelona, one of the top 100 universities in the world according to the Shanghai ranking. It is designed for lawyers from Spain and abroad, including recent graduates and experienced professionals, who would like to receive additional research-oriented training and to refresh their knowledge of recent and innovative trends in law. It comprises 18 credits of core training in fundamental knowledge and methodology: in terms of knowledge, comprehensive, cross-disciplinary training in comparative law and the foundations of law; in terms of methodology, since the master's degree grants access to doctoral studies, the course teaches the skills required to complete a research project or doctoral thesis.
Teaching staff for the course meet the required levels of excellence, skill and expertise, and belong mainly to the University of Barcelona's Faculty of Law. The teaching methodology is both theoretical and practical. Classes are held in the afternoon where possible.
Ideal Students
The master's entry profile basically responds to two different training needs:
First of all, those with degrees or graduates in Law or related disciplines who wish to further specialize and deepen in legal sciences, having as their professional objective the development of research tasks.
Secondly, Law professionals who require in-depth legal studies, supplementing or updating their knowledge in different fields of Law.
The master's degree in Specialized Legal Studies offers legal training focused on research, providing students up-to-date knowledge of the main and most innovative areas of the discipline. It is therefore addressed to three main groups of learners: graduates in disciplines related to law and legal practice; experienced legal professionals (lawyers, magistrates, judges, advisors and consultants, civil servants and researchers); and those interested in developing a doctoral thesis or a legal research project, which would include those interested in pursuing an academic career at university level.
In this context, the master's in Specialized Legal Studies is primarily designed to provide solid cross-disciplinary training as well as specialized training in the different disciplines of law, and in-depth analysis of the most contemporary legal issues. The topics covered in each specialization largely coincide with the many recognized research projects undertaken by the staff who teach the program.
- Open Pathway
- Public Power and Governance
- Vulnerability and Rights
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
The master's degree in Specialized Legal Studies grants direct access to doctoral studies and is an officially recognized qualification both nationally and internationally, meaning that it can be used for official accreditation of advanced legal studies at university level.