University Master's Degree in Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Conditioners for Growth and Development NUTRENVIGEN G + D Factors
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
1 Years
Spanish, Galician
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
EUR 1,089
Distance Learning
Key Summary
This master's degree provides advanced training, with a multidisciplinary orientation, for the academic, professional and research specialization of graduates interested in various fields of Pediatric research. It is an interuniversity master's degree with the universities of Cantabria, Granada, Rovira i Virgili and Zaragoza.
The NUTRENVIGEN-G+D Factors interuniversity joint Master's Degree is a single official degree organized jointly by 4 Universities or "Joint Programme", of great scientific and academic interest.
The international nature of this Master has led to the agreement established with the Early Nutrition Academy (ENA), through which, among other activities, all students of the NUTRENVIGEN-G+D Factors Master are invited to participate in the Postgraduate Courses that annually are held at one of the universities participating in the consortium.
The program is structured in 5 thematic subjects and 2 modules, of which the student must take a total of 60 ECTS:
- Mandatory: 15
- Electives: 21
- External internships: 9
- Master's final project: 15
Competency learning will be achieved through a logical organization of the necessary information; This is developed with two processes, one conceptual, “Multidisciplinary thinking”, which allows us to offer the framework, and another instrumental, “Information and documentation”, which gives autonomy to the student. This method combines Experience with Conceptual Learning, Systematic Observation and Experimentation and Innovation that allows adapting professional theories and practices to the needs of the 21st century population.
The approach from a multidisciplinary point of view to the creation and development of the Health Model in Spain will allow us to achieve concrete solutions taking into account all the factors that influence the development of diseases from early life; The conceptualization and methodology used in the NUTRENVIGEN-G+D Factors Master will help encourage the creation of new, more personalized health programs, which can be easily used by professionals, as well as others aimed at consumers, and will favor the establishment of recommendations and policy strategies for healthier living across the lifespan.
Virtual training involves a modality of the teaching-learning process where the relationship between teacher and student occurs in a virtual learning environment through a teletraining platform. This implies that these new technological procedures will be taken into account in non-face-to-face processes.
The universities participating in the Master in “Genetic, Nutritional and Environmental Conditions of Growth and Development” that is presented, have sufficient material and human resources to ensure the implementation of online teaching, which facilitate the autonomous learning of students; In this sense, the existence in the participating universities of the common virtual environment for teaching, and coordinated by the UGR, guarantees the correct development of the Master.
At the beginning of the course, a mandatory “Virtual Meeting” will be called with the new students where they will be informed about the management of the teaching platform, responsible teachers, global evaluation, extraordinary courses, mobility, etc. This first experience is very important to bring the student closer to the virtual teaching platform and avoid later problems.
In turn, each of the Thematic Subjects of each Teaching Module will have a Teaching Guide (as an electronic resource – Master's website), in which students will have information about: ECTS, summary, competencies, objectives, contents, methodology, learning activities, evaluation and study time, work presentation dates, teaching staff and calendar of face-to-face sessions.
All this information will be supported by the work of virtual tutoring of teachers and support through different communication channels, whether in person or remotely through e-learning tools.
All teaching material will be available to the students and coordinating faculty of each thematic subject throughout the course on the UGR Master's teaching platform.
The use of ICT will be very extensive in this program, so that although the student is offered and recommended classes, seminars, conferences, international face-to-face courses, on a voluntary basis, all the contents of these scientific events will also be exposed virtually. on the Master's website, along with the rest of the teaching material.
- Each student will organize a work plan for virtual sessions (forums) and personal study and learning. The hours of personal dedication of the student will range between 20 hours and 30 hours per week per subject.
- The “on-line” programming of the Master is continuous throughout the course, and therefore, several courses can coincide at the same time. However, the calendar, which will be available from the beginning of the academic year, allows the student to organize their study times to complete the activities.
- Virtual teaching with the programming of group work allows the interaction of students, even with different degrees and from different countries.
- Each thematic subject has a particular evaluation system adapted to the specific competencies and expected learning results. The evaluation will be continuous online, with the use of forums, critical readings of documents, and carrying out different activities and works; The exercises and written tests will be purely conceptual or application of knowledge through practical cases. In general there will be individual and group works that will be equally evaluated on a weighted basis. - Virtual teaching with the programming of group work allows the interaction of students, even with different degrees and from different countries.
- Each thematic subject has a particular evaluation system adapted to the specific competencies and expected learning results. The evaluation will be continuous online, with the use of forums, critical readings of documents, and carrying out different activities and works; The exercises and written tests will be purely conceptual or application of knowledge through practical cases. In general there will be individual and group works that will be equally evaluated on a weighted basis.
Program Outcome
- Train students in the effects of nutritional, environmental and lifestyle factors on the individual genetic load and the health of the organism.
- Provide the student with knowledge related to the scientific and bioethical methodology of research in the different stages of growth and development.
- Promote collaboration and mobility between participating centers.
- Integrate experts from different areas (multidisciplinary orientation).
- Promote the participation of students from different areas of knowledge of Health Sciences.
Career Opportunities
Graduates may join:
- Companies in the general food and baby food sector
- Companies with genetic studies programs and companies related to the environment
- Departments of Pediatrics, Nutrition and Bromatology, Dietetics and nutrition, Biochemistry, Immunology, Pharmacology, Genetics, Medical Education, Health Education...
- Prevention and health programs
- Neurodevelopmental programs
- Personality programs, psychological evaluation and treatment, evolutionary and educational psychology, experimental psychology, behavioral physiology, didactics of experimental sciences, social anthropology..., and with teaching and research functions.
At the same time, the master's degree will train highly qualified professionals in:
- Enhance the health of the child to improve the health of the adult.
- Participate and design disease prevention actions, implement nutritional advice and healthy lifestyles for pregnant women, children and adolescents.
- Investigate factors that regulate gene expression, improve the environment that surrounds the child with sufficient knowledge to avoid, recognize and treat the harmful effects of environmental pollution on growth and development.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.