PhD in Agricultural and Forestry Research
Lugo, Spain
3 Years
Spanish, Galician
Full time
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EUR 200 / per year
Key Summary
This is a program marked by multidisciplinarity in terms of teacher and student qualifications since it involves researchers from four different departments of the University of Santiago de Compostela (Plant Production, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Plant Physiology and Botany), four research centers (Centro de Investigaciones Forestales de Lourizán, Estación Fitopatológica de Arenero, Centro de Investigaciones Agrarias de Mabegondo and Misión Biológica de Galicia) and international institutions (Germany, Switzerland, United States, Portugal and Greece), University of Extremadura and two centers of the University of A Coruña (Institute of Geology and Faculty of Sciences) which offers the student a wide range to choose the subject related to agricultural and forestry production in Galicia and the Atlantic biogeographic region of Europe.
The headquarters of this program is the Higher Polytechnic School at USC and the University Institute of Geology at UDC. In addition, it is also taught at the Faculties of Biology and Veterinary Medicine of the USC and in the Faculty of Sciences of the UDC.
We understand that the high number of students and doctoral theses, as well as the degree of internationalization of the program, constitutes a solid base that guarantees its success, which has already obtained its quality mention in its adaptation to RD 1993/2007. The interest of the Doctoral Program is evident, not only because of the field in which it is framed: agricultural, forestry and agroforestry research, of great socio-economic importance, but also because of the need for experts with specific higher training in these fields that include a productive and environmental perspective, as offered by this Program, which, in addition to training national students, has among its priorities the training of doctors of foreign nationality who contribute to the better visibility of Spanish education at this level. The implementation of this objective will be achieved through the different financing programs existing at the European and international level, whose already existing contractual relationships will be fostered.
Ideal Students
The Master's study that will allow entry to this doctoral program without training complements will be the Master's Degree in Agricultural and Forestry Research offered by the USC. Students with the DEA degree obtained through the “Agrarian and Forestry Research” programs at USC will also have access to the program without supplements.
In the case of other types of profiles different from the previous one, the Academic Committee will evaluate each case individually. The possibility of requiring training supplements (maximum up to 15 ECTS) will be considered.
In the case of other profiles that have not completed a Master's degree, an equivalence of training in research credits will be required, at least equal to those of the master's degree that gives direct access, which will be 60 ECTS.
Students with a foreign degree that has not been approved may apply for admission to doctoral studies as long as a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish university master's degree is accredited and entitles the country issuing the degree to access doctoral studies. . This admission will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree or recognition for other purposes.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.