PhD in Advanced English Studies: Linguistics, Literature and Culture
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
3 Years
Spanish, Galician
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
EUR 200 / per year
Key Summary
Galicia demands in the current situation a specific program in English Studies that has the active participation of teachers from the three Galician universities in a common project for the training of doctors in the main lines of research within this field of knowledge: culture and English and North American literary texts, other English-language literatures, English linguistics in its synchronic and diachronic aspects, and linguistics applied to the teaching of English and to translation.
Among the characteristics of the program, its interuniversity character stands out, as well as being the only one of these characteristics in the SUG. It has a wide and varied offer of research lines, and highlights the high academic and research training of the teaching staff. It should be noted the great interest of the training activities planned for doctoral students.
The purposes of this Doctorate Program are to train professionals to develop teaching and research activities in university centers and higher education institutes, to provide Galician students with the possibility of attending the numerous existing job offers in this field, as well as to develop communicative skills in the academic field, and carry out and defend research papers in a critical, rigorous and original way.
Lines of investigation
- English Literature and Culture Studies
- Corpus studies, cognition, variation and change in the English language
- Studies in American Literature and Culture
- Linguistics applied to translation and teaching of English
- English language discourse studies
- Irish literature and culture
- Other English-language literatures
Ideal Students
To access this doctoral program it will be necessary:
- Have completed a first degree in English Philology/English Studies or equivalent of at least 240 credits as well as a master's degree of at least 60 credits. The Academic Committee of the Program will study in detail those applications for degrees considered equivalent to those of English Philology/English Studies.
- Applicants who are in possession of the DEA or Research Proficiency in English Studies/English Philology.
- Applicants who certify to the Academic Committee the linguistic competence in oral and written English, through an official certification or, if applicable, through an interview or test, which is considered sufficient to carry out research tasks and who are in possession of the DEA or Research Proficiency in the areas of Philology, Translation and Interpretation, Humanities, Communication, Social Sciences and Sociology, Political and Administration Sciences, Teacher in Early Childhood Education, Teacher in Primary Education, Social Education and Pedagogy, History and Philosophy.
- Students who had completed a degree or a bachelor's degree, and at the same time had completed the Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Language Schools (languages and literature specialization), will be able to access the Doctorate Program, having to take mandatory training complements in research that will consist of the completion of 15 ECTS credits of Master's studies in English Studies or equivalent, which will be determined by the Interuniversity Academic Commission in accordance with the application and academic record of the applicant.
- For students who had completed other master's degrees and postgraduate courses related to the Bachelor's or Degree in English Philology/English Studies with a minimum of 60 credits. The Academic Committee will study each request in particular, determining the research training complements that must be carried out. The training complements will not exceed 15 ECTS and will be from the Master's in English Studies or equivalent.
- It is necessary to have at least a C1 level of linguistic competence in oral and written English in accordance with what is established by the Council of Europe in the Common European Framework of Reference on Language Knowledge.
Formation activities
- Orientation days for new doctoral students E5021A01
- Monographic seminars in English linguistics/literature/culture E5021A02
- Research seminars E5021A03
- Research workshops E5021A04
Training complements
- Linguistic research methods and resources and their application to the English language P5201101
- Literary-cultural research resources in the anglophone field P5201102
- Linguistic Models and Theories and their application to the English language P5201107
- Models of literary-cultural interpretation in English-speaking countries P5201108
- Models of literary-cultural interpretation in English-speaking countries P5201112
- Methods and resources of literary-cultural research in the English-speaking field P5201214
Program Outcome
In the current situation, Galicia demands a specific program in English Studies that has the active participation of teaching staff from the three Galician universities in a common project to train doctors in the main lines of research within this field of knowledge: culture and English and North American literary texts, other literatures in the English language, English linguistics in its synchronic and diachronic aspects, and linguistics applied to the teaching of English and its translation.