Master's Degree in Law (Santiago)
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
18 Months
Spanish, Galician
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
EUR 854
The Master's Degree in Law prepares Law graduates to practice the legal profession, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2006.
Law 34/2006, of October 30, on access to the professions of lawyer and court attorney, and Royal Decree 775/2011, of June 3, which develops it, regulate the conditions for obtaining the title lawyer and solicitor professional; At the same time, they establish, among other aspects, the content requirements that the training courses and internship periods must meet to obtain the professional training necessary for the practice of law. This regulation obliges new graduates interested in practicing law to take an official university master's degree worth 90 ECTS and to pass the professional aptitude assessment tests called for this purpose.
The referenced regulations highlight the importance of practical training that future lawyers must receive for their proper professional practice in the work of advising on Law and legal defense of citizens both in judicial proceedings, as well as in preventive and compositional ones, by time that shows the insufficiency of obtaining a university degree for their professional training.
In accordance with the previous regulations, the experience of the School of Legal Practice of Santiago, agreed between the USC, the ICA and the ICP of Santiago, and endorsed by more than 30 years of initial training activity for future professionals and continuous training of practicing professionals (many of whom today hold high administrative or institutional positions or are renowned professionals), constitutes a sufficient guarantee to choose to take this Master's degree agreed between the USC and the ICA of Santiago.
The official title of Master's Degree in Law taught by the USC and the Illustrious Bar Association of Santiago, with the collaboration of the School of Legal Practice, has great academic interest, as it is a degree that during the academic years in which It is taught, it offers students a specialized and professional training of a theoretical-practical nature for an initial professional performance, granting professional skills and addressing all the contents that are the subject of the state test for the evaluation of professional aptitude.
Therefore, it has a double profile: it is valid as a specific training that includes the "training course" and the period of "external practices" required by current regulations to access the professional aptitude evaluations that allow obtaining the professional title of lawyer. /to; and, at the same time, it is configured as an official university master's degree, integrating as such within the European area of university education, for which reason it has a marked labor and practical orientation, favoring its curricular design and employability.
Consequently, the contents and the methodology used in the delivery of this Master's Degree in Legal Profession of Santiago are revealed to be suitable both for offering the professional training required to certify that they possess the knowledge, competencies, techniques and skills necessary to obtain the professional title of lawyer, as evidenced by the pass rate in the corresponding professional aptitude evaluation tests; as well as to favor the employment of graduates in the Galician and Spanish spheres, in its various modalities: self-employment, collaborative employment, employment for others, etc. In this regard, more than two thirds of our students enter the job market in the year after finishing their studies.
The 90 credits will be distributed as follows:
- 60 ECTS correspond to the so-called “training course”
- 30 ECTS correspond to “external internships”
The contents and duration of the modules are directly related to the subjects that are most common in immediate professional practice. The first two modules are part of the “training course”, the third groups together the “external internships”, and the fourth contains the “Master's Thesis”.
The modules and subjects that make up the training course are taught throughout the first two semesters (first year), as well as a small part of the external internships (those corresponding to public administrations and jurisdictional bodies); while external internships in law firms and the Master's Thesis are taught during the third semester (second year). Therefore, the total duration of the Master in time periods is three semesters, that is, one and a half years.
The Master is taught in the facilities available to the School of Legal Practice at the Faculty of Law. The classrooms are equipped with technological means (internet connection, laptop for each student, video cannon, etc.) necessary for teaching adapted to the EHEA; including two courtrooms for periodic mock trials with their own recording system.
The teaching regime is face-to-face, requiring a minimum of 85% attendance in each subject to be evaluated by the continuous evaluation system and 65% to access the final evaluation system.
- The “training course” classes normally take place from Monday to Friday from 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., and students must have, at specific times, some extra time to process mock trials, attend training activities, information and coordination meetings, etc.
- In the second semester of the first year, external internships in public administrations and jurisdictional bodies will begin in the morning, at the same time as classroom classes.
- In the third semester (second academic year) there will be external internships in law firms (in the morning and afternoon), as well as afternoon tutorials throughout the semester to prepare for the TFM.
Program Outcome
The general orientation of the University Master's Degree in Law is the transmission to the student of the knowledge, competencies, aptitudes, abilities and skills that allow him to:
- The exercise of the legal profession, subject to the deontological and statutory norms, in the areas that pertain to it: legal advice and counsel, and direction and defense of the rights of the parties in all types of judicial processes and extrajudicial actions in which current regulations impose or authorize the intervention of a lawyer.
- Handle the techniques and modes of professional action typical of the legal profession effectively, responsibly and safely.
- Acquire a mechanics of legal reasoning and, consequently, obtain a generic basis of legal practice in all the subjects of positive law, so that simultaneously and gradually you can aspire to specialization.
- Acquire professional contacts that allow them to enter the profession with more experienced colleagues, while promoting rapprochement between new and more experienced lawyers, which leads to future professional collaborations.
Career Opportunities
The Law on Access to the Professions of Lawyer and Court Attorney requires, as of its entry into force, the obtaining of the professional title of lawyer "for the performance of legal assistance in those judicial and extrajudicial processes in which the regulations “in force imposes or authorizes the intervention of a lawyer and, in any case, to provide legal assistance or legal advice using the name of lawyer.”
In short, the proposed Master's degree aims to cover the need for professional training required by Law 34/2006, in its form as an ideal way to obtain the professional title of lawyer and, in particular, for the training of legal professionals. who possess the knowledge, competencies, techniques and precise skills in the deontological, extrajudicial and judicial fields, for an adequate performance of their professional practice.
This integrates the training proposed within the framework of the European Higher Education Area, since in all European countries a period of specific training with practical content is required, after obtaining a bachelor's degree or degree in Law, to practice. professional as a lawyer.