Doctorate in Work and Organizational Psychology, Legal-Forensic and Consumer and User Psychology
3 Years
Spanish, Galician
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
EUR 200 / per year
Key Summary
This doctoral program aims to offer training and thesis of excellence in the fields of Work and Organization Psychology, Legal and Forensic Psychology and Consumer and User Psychology. Research and innovation constitute the basis for the development of this incipient area, providing researchers with specialized training with magnificent professional perspectives.
The doctoral program in Work and Organizational Psychology, Legal-Forensic and Consumer and User Psychology aims to offer training and thesis of excellence in three areas:
- The Psychology of Work and Organizations , on issues such as employment, individual and organizational well-being, work teams, HR management, justice, equality and non-discrimination, the evaluation of psychosocial risks and occupational health, performance prediction, measurement techniques and in general in the applications of psychology at work, human resources and occupational health.
- Legal and Forensic Psychology , on issues such as conflict management and resolution, in mediation with guidance from Therapeutic Justice; in legal psychology of the family and minors; in victimology, in psychosocial study of violent behavior, in domestic and gender violence; in social and community intervention, in prevention and intervention in social maladjustment, in legal decision-making, in testimony psychology, in criminal and prison psychology, in child neglect, abuse and maltreatment.
- In recent years, Consumer and User Psychology has become a line of work with enormous potential for professionals and researchers in the field of psychology. Companies and organizations related to Advertising or Marketing, market and opinion studies recognize the enormous value that Psychology has in this field. As if that were not enough, from the social services and public institutions more and more psychologists are directly involved in the design, development and evaluation of programs, as well as in the assurance of their quality and the satisfaction of patients and users. Research and innovation constitute the basis for the development of this incipient area, providing researchers with specialized training with magnificent professional perspectives.
Lines of investigation
- Psychology of work and organizations, human resources and occupational health
- Legal and forensic psychology
- Consumer and user psychology
Ideal Students
Entry profile without training complements:
1) Graduates and diploma holders in Psychology and Labor Relations and Human Resources and other qualifications who will pursue a master's degree in:
- Psychology
- Human Resources Department
- Work's science
- Criminology
- Labor Direction
2) Students with a DEA degree or equivalent obtained through Psychology and Labor Relations and Human Resources programs, especially those who obtained the DEA through the Doctoral Program in Social Psychology and applied to the organizational and political-legal contexts of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Formation activities
- Advanced handling of the American E3011A01 publications manual
- Course on writing style of thesis, articles and other systems for disseminating research results E3011A02
- Advanced Statistical Software E3011A03
- Search in databases and other registration and scientific information systems E3011A04
- Public presentations for the dissemination of research results E3011A05
- Research seminars E3011A06
- Ethics and deontology for scientific research on behavior and organizations E3011A07
- Research stays in international research centers E3011A08
- National and international congresses, conferences and conferences E3011A09
- Development of individual career plans E3011A10
Training complements
- Occupational risk prevention management P3042103
- Socio-labor audit P3042201
- Socio-labor policies P3042206
- Organizational behavior P3291101
- Criminal and penitentiary psychology P3291102
- Meta-analysis methods and other applied research techniques P3291104
- Selection and evaluation of human resources P3291203
- Legal and forensic psychology of minors and families P3291209
- Legal and forensic psychology in the criminal, civil and social fields P3291210
- Meta-analysis methods and other applied research techniques P3421104
- Advanced methodology in social research P3421201
- Selection and evaluation of human resources P3421203
In the case of other types of profiles different from the previous ones, the Academic Committee will evaluate each case individually. The possibility of requiring additional training (maximum up to 15 ECTS) will be considered.
Program Outcome
The Doctorate in Work and Organizational, Legal-Forensic and Consumer and User Psychology aims to offer training and thesis of excellence in three areas:
a) Psychology of Work and Organizations, on topics such as employment, individual and organizational well-being, work teams, HR management, justice, equality and non-discrimination, evaluation of psychosocial risks and occupational health, performance prediction, measurement techniques and in general in the applications of psychology in work, human resources and occupational health;
b) Legal and Forensic Psychology, on topics such as violence, testimony, legal decision making, legal psychology of minors and the family, jury, victimology, therapeutic justice, mediation in the legal context, criminal and penitentiary psychology and the interaction between psychology and law;
c) Psychology of the Consumer and User, in topics such as modeling consumer behavior, user psychology, brand image, construction of effectiveness indicators, quality management, and in topics related to consumer and user behavior.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.