Doctorate in Veterinary Medicine and Health
Lugo, Spain
3 Years
Spanish, Galician
Full time
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EUR 200 / per year
Key Summary
The Doctorate Program in Veterinary Medicine and Health comes from the update of that first Doctorate Program at the Lugo Campus called Introduction to Research in Animal Pathology (1989) to the different state and regional legislation on doctoral studies, and that Its fundamental purpose was to train doctors who could develop the highest academic, administrative and professional positions; This statement is confirmed by the excellent curricula of the doctoral students who graduated from our Department.
The Program trains doctors but also people, who know how to develop in the broad field of Veterinary Medicine, to develop their knowledge as well as to obtain new ones in the future, which allow these doctors to be leaders and trusted people in large companies, administration and education. All this is achieved by making the search for general and specific knowledge attractive, stimulating criticism and seeking solutions to the problem formulated. All of this is based on communication and mutual respect, teacher - doctoral student, and as is normal in the curriculum of each of the teachers that make up the teaching staff of the doctorate, recognized for its extensive research, teaching and care merits.
Ideal Students
Students who hold official Spanish Bachelor's degrees in Veterinary Medicine, Pharmacy, Biology, Biochemistry, Food Science and Technology or other degrees that the Academic Commission will have direct access, without the need to take additional training. study and consider acceptable plus a Master's degree in Research in Veterinary Medicine and Health or other degree(s), which the Commission considers equivalent.
Graduates in Veterinary Medicine will also have access, with 300 ECTS credits, who carried out a research work in the subject Final Degree Project, equivalent in training value to the research credits from master's studies.
If this equivalence does not exist, which will be evaluated by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program, specific training complements must be taken on a mandatory basis.
Other profiles:
Be in possession of another Spanish doctoral degree in equivalent areas obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.
Graduates from foreign educational systems may gain access, without the need for approval, after verification by the University that they accredit a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish Master's Degree in Research in Veterinary Medicine and Health and which entitles them to the country issuing the degree for access to doctoral studies.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.