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Universidade Santiago de Compostela Doctorate in Clinical Research in Medicine
Universidade Santiago de Compostela

Doctorate in Clinical Research in Medicine

Santiago de Compostela, Spain

3 Years

Spanish, Galician

Full time

Request application deadline

Oct 2025

EUR 200 / per year


Key Summary

    About: The Doctorate in Clinical Research in Medicine focuses on enhancing research skills in clinical environments. The program encourages students to tackle health-related challenges through research methodologies. It equips graduates with critical thinking and analytical skills necessary for scientific inquiry in healthcare settings.
    Career Outcomes: Graduates can pursue various career paths, including roles as clinical researchers, academic researchers, or healthcare consultants. Opportunities also exist in pharmaceutical companies, public health agencies, and academic institutions.


One of the primary functions of university professors in Faculties of Medicine is teaching the Doctorate or Third Cycle of university studies since the doctorate plays a fundamental role of intersection between the EHEA and the EEI, and the doctors must lead the transfer from knowledge to the welfare of society.

Except for a few exceptions, the university professors of the Faculties of Medicine belonging to the departments and areas of knowledge in charge of teaching clinical subjects, are professors linked to the respective autonomous health institutions, having a unique job in which they also Of the teaching obligations they have care obligations, essential in turn to impart practical teaching to students of the Degree in Medicine.

In this context, doctoral programs involve monitoring the training of the future specialist, with annual evaluations by the Teaching Committee of each hospital center with accredited teaching, in which the tutors of residents of each service participate. In this way, the resident doctors of each clinical specialty, participate from their first year of training in all the scientific and training activities carried out in the respective hospital services in the form of participation in clinical sessions, meetings and congresses, publications in the journals of the respective specialties, etc. In this context, it is evident that those interested in the research lines of each medical specialty are the respective specialists, both in training, and those who, already in the exercise of their specialty, are incorporated into a center third-level hospital, especially university centers, since at least a large part of the practical teaching of Medicine will fall on them.

Participating in this program are the Departments of Surgery, Dermatology and Otolaryngology, Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology and Pediatrics of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Santiago. Likewise, the hospital services of each of the medical specialties involved, of the Santiago University Hospital Complex participate in this. It is not a closed program, but will remain open to the incorporation of new members to existing teams, and the creation of new lines of research or modification of existing ones, seeking a transversal grouping in basic lines of research. it is timely. It is also open to the incorporation of other existing university hospital centers in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. Given that it is aimed primarily at medical specialists in training, the national regulations that must be respected must be taken into account, and where the training tasks of each specialty are detailed, which will be taken into account when evaluating doctoral candidates.

Lines of investigation

  • Medical-Surgical Specialties
  • Pediatrics
  • Surgery
  • Medicine

Ideal Students



Program Outcome

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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