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Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP)

Brief History of the Educational Institute of Piracicaba

The Piracicaba Educational Institute of the Methodist Church (IEP) is the entity maintains the Piracicabano College, the Methodist University of Piracicaba and Piracicaba School of Music "Maestro Ernst Mahle." It is heir to the Piracicabano College, founded on September 13, 1881, the missionary Miss Martha Watts. Since the establishment, the EPO maintains a differentiated educational approach guided by the search for improvement, given the challenges presented in all the country's development stages.

In the early years, he devoted himself exclusively to basic education and high school, which, in addition to meeting the region, attracted students from other states who attended here the old gym and science into male and female boarding. In 1964, to meet the needs of the local community and the region, the Bank installed the first higher education, with the Faculty of Economics, Accounting and Business Administration. Since then, new programs were being implemented until the October 10, 1975, the then Federal Board of Education recognized the Methodist University of Piracicaba. That made the Unimep the first Methodist university in Latin America.

Since then, the institution collects historical moments that make reference in higher education. Among the most significant is the creation of university campuses: Taquaral opened in 1979; Santa Barbara d'Oeste, created in 1980 and the campus Lins, built in 1996. In addition, in September 1998, the EPO also incorporated the Piracicaba School of Music (EMP), founded in 1953. In honor of the conductor and composer Ernst Mahle, who from the foundation held the position of artistic director, the EMP was named the Piracicaba School of Music Maestro Ernst Mahle (Empem). The distinguished leaders of the EPO, faithful to the ideals of its founder, printed the institution a safe and Christian orientation, based on the educational guidance of the Methodist Church, which resulted in the Academic Policy. The document governs the actions of the university. In this context, the Bank, which began operations with a single student in the 19th century \, currently has over 12,000 students spread over several courses, from kindergarten to the graduate programs, which demonstrates the concern with the education at all levels.

MISSION Contribute effectively as a Methodist institution, through education, to the production and socialization of knowledge, respecting the cultural and religious diversity of the human being and the environment, with a view to the development of just and fraternal society, participating in the construction of citizenship as collective heritage, with reference to the values ​​of the Christian faith and ethics perspective as public accountability, institutional and personal.

VISION By envision a just and fraternal society, improve in the areas of institutional activity and its processes, typically in promoting education, action-quality, keeping in line with the scientific, technological and professional innovation, in a broad dialogue with all society in order to respond with alternatives, the legitimate human and social needs, contributing to the development of the community, such as inclusion, justice and equity, from the Evangelical Christian perspective.


Valuing life

Commitment to the dignity of life and human rights Social responsibility with inclusion Sustainable development and environmental preservation Physical, mental and spiritual well-being

quality education

Comprehensive training, combining technical and administrative expertise with innovative capacity, critical and participatory and citizenship Indivisibility of teaching, research and extension Cultural, scientific and technological development

Management Processes

Focused on people With autonomy Based on policies With economic and financial sustainability Collegiate In continuous evaluation and improvement

  • Campinas

    Rod. do Açúcar, s/n - Taquaral, Piracicaba - SP, 13423-170, Brésil, , Campinas

    Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP)