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Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG)

The institution

The Iguaçu UNIVERSITY - UNIG was created from the maturity of the faculties of Nova Iguaçu Unified by MEC Ordinance No. 1318, of September 16, 1993, published in the Official Gazette of 09.20.93, section I, p. 14017. Its sponsor the Higher Education Association of Nova Iguaçu - SESNI, nonprofit, philanthropic nature, with headquarters in the city of Nova Iguaçu - State of Rio de Janeiro.

The UNIG integrates presently five campuses, namely:

I campus Nova Iguaçu Campus II Teaching Clinic Campus III Vocational Training Centre Dr. Paulo Machado Fróes Campus V Itaperuna

It is based in the Campus I, through which it interacts, in the social, economic, cultural and political with the Lowlands and the northern state of Rio de Janeiro, leading technology and fundamental knowledge for the progress of these regions to the State and for the country.

Starting its activities in 1970, the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Nova Iguaçu, offered the first tertiary education unit of the Baixada Fluminense. This pioneering occurred with the implementation of Arts courses (Qualifications: Portuguese-Literature and Portuguese-English), Mathematics, Physics, Life Sciences, recognized in 1974. In 1976, the Faculty of Education was also recognized contributing significantly to basic education in the region.

Four years later, in 1974, with almost all of the initial courses already recognized, was the implementation of the Law School, legitimate aspiration of iguaçuana community.

Aware of its responsibility and attentive to improving the quality of education, after the consolidation of units in operation, SESNI again plead new courses: Medicine in 1976, and Dentistry and the Course of Technology in Data Processing in 1988 and 1989, respectively.

All courses offered by UNIG emerged identifying the characteristics of the region, being observed market demands regarding identified professional profiles.

The creation of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Nova Iguaçu was a decisive step in addressing the serious health problems of the local population, in view of the lack of medical care and poor sanitation conditions identified in this region.

The UNIG Teaching Clinic makes up significantly, the history of health in the region.

Throughout its existence, and to promote significant changes in the surrounding region, UNIG has transformed itself in a continuous process of administrative, pedagogical and technological improvement.

Strive for quality education and other services offered, pursuing excellence, it is a principle that has, over the decades of its existence, and inspiring their decisions.

Cause development in the state, noting demands in their area of ​​competence, innovating in line with progress of this arising, it is the focus of actions for this guideline.

The decision to expand its activities to the municipalities of São João de Meriti and Itaperuna, consolidated in 1996, demand for the fruit of the municipalities, offering six seven undergraduate courses, respectively, brought to the state under the driving force of progress in community before restricted to the city of Nova Iguaçu.

In 1997, it included new graduate courses to those already offered: Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Education and Physiotherapy.

The implementation process of new courses, as well as the expansion of existing ones to other municipalities, has been continuously accompanied by actions in order to ensure and increase the quality of services offered.

As a university, the UNIG's mission is to generate scientific and technological progress in the country and serve the community directly, drawing on the resources and means available.

This mission requires an agile and flexible administrative model, capable of capturing and translating the expectations of society, particularly the dynamics of the market, which involves professional training. Therefore, the UNIG has a modern administrative structure, where the Dean is assisted by three Pro-Rectors, namely:

Academic Dean - PROAC Administrative Dean - PROAD

In setting their policies and priorities, UNIG search the revitalization and improvement of undergraduate education, promoting research as a creative agent and renewal of knowledge and encouraging graduate, broad and strict sense, in an integrated manner to courses programs extension.

Manage continued expansion of this University represents a great challenge.

Expand, growing in quality, adapt to society's characteristics in which UNIG is inserted, and also strive for generating new technologies, disseminating and renewing scientific knowledge implies significantly greater challenge.

Overcoming this challenge has been the keynote of the administration UNIG, in line with the sponsor organization, Higher Education Association of Nova Iguaçu - SESNI.

  • Rio de Janeiro

    Campus I Av. Abílio Augusto Távora, 2134 Nova Iguaçu - RJ - Brasil CEP: 26275-580, , Rio de Janeiro

    Universidade Iguaçu (UNIG)