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Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN)

Meet Unifran


Unifran: check out a brief history of growth, achievements and success The Unifran was founded in 1970 by two entrepreneurs education, Abib Salim Cury and Clovis Eduardo Pinto Ludwig. With the success of the enterprise, has expanded its courses incorporating to the Pestalozzi School and the Faculty of Philosophy of the Athenaeum Francano, five years later. In 1994, the courses offered and the internal administrative organization are transformed at the University of Franca, through Ordinance No. 1275, in view of the CFE Opinion No. 615/94.

Thereafter, growth of the institution was given under this perspective that France and the region have benefited from his influence. Welcoming thousands of students coming from different parts of the country, France added the status of a service provider, as well as an important center footwear. The city, now university, saw be increased to higher education practice, research, extension and service to the community, thanks to the academic aspects of training excellence, which interfered positively in their economic, political and social indices.

Since its foundation until today, it is characterized by being a higher education institution looking to the future, always striving for modernization of infrastructure, library collections and educational methodologies.

The year 2013 was marked by an important step into the future and excellence: Unifran became part of South Educational Cruise, the fifth largest in the country's education group, made up of institutions that hold the best official academic indicators College Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo / SP; Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo / SP; University Center Module, Caraguatatuba / SP; University Center of the Federal District, Brasília / DF; University City of São Paulo, São Paulo / SP; College Goal High Standard, Franca / SP; Career based Franca, Franca / SP; University of Franca, Franca / SP; College San Sebastian, San Sebastian / SP; College Goal San Sebastian, San Sebastian / SP; Faculty Caraguatatuba, Caraguatatuba / SP; the University Center Our Lady of Patronage, Salto and Itu / SP; College CEUNSP, Salto / SP, college Itu, Itu / SP College and Salto, Salto / SP.

In 1975, the University had 400 students. Today, there are over 16,000, distributed among the undergraduate courses, technological, distance, specialization, master's and doctorate, covering all areas of human knowledge. In its 40 year history, it has trained more than 43,000 professionals. It houses more than 500 teachers whose titles exceeds 60% of masters and doctors.

Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional

The Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional was founded in 1965 and currently consists of the College Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo - SP; Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, São Paulo - SP; University Module center, Caraguatatuba - SP; University Center of the Federal District, Brasília - DF, City University of São Paulo, São Paulo - SP; University of Franca, College High Standard and College CTEC in Franca - SP and, more recently, the San Sebastian College, College Goal San Sebastian - San Sebastian - SP and the Faculty Caraguatatuba - Caraguatatuba - SP.

The strategic advantage of the group is the fact of working with institutions, brands and different positions as the specific markets and the characteristics of the cities where it maintains educational establishments. All institutions preserve their identity without giving up the ethical principles and ideals of education that guide the actions of the South Educational Cruise, which translates into some of the best academic indicators among Brazilian educational institutions.

- Top marks in the first Foreign Institutional Evaluation of the Ministry of Education - MEC. - Best course of Visual Arts in São Paulo in the National Survey of Student Performance - Enade. - Top courses in Social Sciences of Brazil in the National Examination of Student Performance - Enade. - Best Production Engineering courses in São Paulo in the National Survey of Student Performance - Enade. - Best Physical Therapy course of Sao Paulo in the National Survey of Student Performance - Enade. - Best Geography of Brazil course at National Examination of Student Performance - Enade. - Best course of history in the National Survey of Student Performance - Enade. - Biomedicine: the highest rating in the MEC. - Medical: only course of São Paulo recognized with maximum concept. In Brazil, a pioneer member of the Global Health Learning oportunities - GHLO, a consortium created by the American Association of Medical Colleges. - Best undergraduate program, according to the CNPq. - Increased number of scientific publications in ISI Web of Science. - Best approval rating in OAB-DF examination. - Best place in the Enade, North coast of São Paulo. - More than 200 lines of institutionalized research. - 66 research groups registered in CNPq. - 04 doctoral and 11 master's programs. - 51 scholarships for Scientific Initiation CNPq.

Such characteristics and achievements are the result of a committed, structured and shared management between the founding teachers, members of the academic community and recognized market professionals.

Differentials and quality indicators

• Belongs to one of the largest educational groups in Brazil: Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional. • Excellent indicators Physiotherapy, Food and Aesthetics and Cosmetics are grade 5 in MEC. Medicine is authorized final concept 5 commission. • 20 starry courses in the Student Guide 2015, adding 62 stars. • Highlight the University Ranking Sheet - RUF 2014: Biomedicine is among the top 10 courses in Brazil (private and public institutions) and in 2nd place among private nationwide. Physiotherapy is the 5th place in São Paulo between private. • Thousands of graduates with prominent positions in the labor market. • US patented an innovative molecule that is used in medications, results of Pharmacy research group.

  • São Paulo

    Av. Dr. Armando Salles Oliveira, 201 Pq. Universitário / Franca, SP, , São Paulo

    Universidade de Franca (UNIFRAN)