Doctorate in Psychology
Aveiro, Portugal
Portuguese, English
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Key Summary
Doctorate in Psychology
The PhD Program in Psychology at the University of Aveiro aims to prepare highly qualified students for autonomous research work in the various fields of application of Psychology (education, organizations, forensic, health, etc.), thus addressing the recruitment needs of academia, public institutions, associations and non-profit organizations, and the business sector. Taking into account the legal requirements to obtain a PhD degree (Decree-Law no. 74/2006 of March 24), the general goals of the Doctoral Program in Psychology are the following:
- systematic and in-depth understanding of the specific field of Psychology;
- the development of skills to conceive, design, adapt and carry out high quality scientific research;
- the development of the ability to carry out original research worthy of publication in peer-reviewed journals;
- the development of skills to analyze, evaluate and synthesize complex scientific information;
- the development of skills to communicate the results of the research carried out and to present and debate topics in their area of expertise with the scientific and technical community and society in general;
- the development of the ability to find funding to carry out high quality scientific research;
- the development of innovative and entrepreneurial abilities.
Scholarships and Funding
Several scholarship options are available. Please visit the university website for more information.
Year 1
1st Semester
Scientific Research in Psychology
2nd Semester
Thesis (1st year)
Year 2
Thesis (2nd year)
Year 3
Thesis (3rd year)
Program Outcome
The doctoral program aims to promote in students the capacity for technological innovation and management in the areas of "behavioral engineering", community intervention and prevention programs, scientific research in Psychology and its related areas of neuroscience and artificial intelligence. The knowledge and skills to intervene in these areas are essential to the production of new knowledge, the development of evidence-based intervention protocols, and the construction of valid psychological assessment instruments -- all needed for sustainable development of human potential, family empowerment, healthy behaviors, entrepreneurship in business, well-being, citizenship, and environmental protection.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
In Portugal the degree of Doctor allows access to scientific and academic career. Companies or institutions may rise this degree in the selection of workers.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.