Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul (UNICSUL)
The Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional was founded in 1965 in Sao Paulo and currently consists of the College of Southern Cross, SP SP; Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, SP - SP; University Module center, Caraguatatuba - SP; University Center of the Federal District, Brasília - DF, City University of São Paulo, SP - SP, Franca University, College Standard High and College CTEC in Franca - SP, College San Sebastian and College Goal San Sebastian - Center in San Sebastian - SP, Faculty Caraguatatuba, Caraguatatuba - SP; and more recently by the University Our Lady of Patronage Centre, CEUNSP College, College Itu and Salto City College in the cities of Itu and Salto SP.
The strategic advantage of the group is the fact of working with institutions, brands and different positions as the specific markets and the characteristics of the cities where it maintains educational establishments. All institutions preserve their identity without giving up the ethical principles and ideals of education that guide the actions of the South Educational Cruise, which translates into some of the best academic indicators among Brazilian educational institutions.
- Top marks in the first Foreign Institutional Evaluation of the Ministry of Education - MEC. - Best course of Visual Arts in São Paulo in the National Survey of Student Performance - Enade. - Top courses in Social Sciences of Brazil in the National Examination of Student Performance - Enade. - Best Production Engineering courses in São Paulo in the National Survey of Student Performance - Enade. - Best Physical Therapy course of Sao Paulo in the National Survey of Student Performance - Enade. - Best Geography of Brazil course at National Examination of Student Performance - Enade. - Best course of history in the National Survey of Student Performance - Enade. - Biomedicine: the highest rating in the MEC. - Medical: only course of São Paulo recognized with maximum concept. In Brazil, a pioneer member of the Global Health Learning oportunities - GHLO, a consortium created by the American Association of Medical Colleges. - Best undergraduate program, according to the CNPq. - Increased number of scientific publications in ISI Web of Science. - Best approval rating in OAB-DF examination. - Best place in the Enade, North coast of São Paulo. - More than 200 lines of institutionalized research. - 66 research groups registered in CNPq. - 04 doctoral and 11 master's programs. - 51 scholarships for Scientific Initiation CNPq.
Such characteristics and achievements are the result of a committed, structured and shared management between the founding teachers, members of the academic community and recognized market professionals.
Brief history
The story began in 1965 when a group of young teachers created a school in Sao Paulo, Sao Miguel Paulista neighborhood: the College of the Southern Cross. With the increasing number of students and new prospects in 1972, was authorized to offer degree courses, with the creation of the Faculty Cruzeiro do Sul. It was initiated from there, the supply of higher education.
After 21 years of hard work and a lot of dedication in 1993, comes the recognition from the Ministry of Education, which grants the Southern Cross the highest level between higher education institutions, the title of UNIVERSITY.
Since then, it was initiated a series of actions that would promote scientific research. Even in the 90s, it was implemented the Scholarship Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation of Cruzeiro do Sul and held the 1st Meeting of Scientific Initiation of the University.
Focusing on the future and seeking technological solutions that would provide quality education, research in distance education were carried out, generating the first tests with virtual learning environments and the creation of the Education Center Distance, the current Virtual Campus Cruzeiro do Sul.
In the quest for excellent education in 2001 was the professionalization of Dean and Pro-rectories, something unheard of in the context of private institutions of higher education in Brazil.
In the same year, the campus Analia Franco, in an upscale neighborhood of Sao Paulo, was inaugurated, clearly showing the desire to expand the area of operation in the city. During this period, in recognition of extension activities promoted by the institution since its inception, the University is leading the first international mission of the University Partnership Program in Mozambique - Africa.
The use of technological tools applied to education is institutionalized with the use of Blackboard, the education Graduate, and also with the development of EClass, virtual learning environment, the University Cruzeiro do Sul. Another major step was the inclusion of the undergraduate program at the University in the Institutional Program for Scientific Initiation of CNPq Exchange.
In 2004, two important events marking the history of the University: the beginning of the activities of Freedom campus in the downtown area, and the approval of the first two masters: Dentistry and Science and Mathematics Teaching.
The dream of creating a group of private higher education institutions that balizasse the ethical principles and commitments to education begins to take shape, with the acquisition of the University Center module, the largest and most traditional higher education institution North Paulista coast .
And the consolidation of the University continued with the opening of another campus: the campus Pinheiros, on the West Zone of São Paulo, and the deployment of two doctorates: Dentistry and Science and Mathematics Teaching.
Also in 2008, another step towards the consolidation of the South Educational Cruise Group is given, with the acquisition of the University Center of the Federal District, the first private institution of higher education in Brasilia.
In 2012, the University City of São Paulo, traditional institution and recognized for the quality of their courses in healthcare and for his role in distance education, joined the Southern Cross Educational, thus, widening the group's performance in national territory and contributing, with the knowledge acquired over its 40 years of existence, to the constant improvement of courses offered by each member institution of the group.
Was incorporated in 2013, the College High Standard, the Technical College and the University of Franca - UNIFRAN, which owns the best official indicators of quality among Brazilian private universities.
Between 2014 and 2015, became part of the group College San Sebastian - San Sebastian - SP, the College Goal San Sebastian - San Sebastian - SP, Faculty Caraguatatuba - Caraguatatuba - SP, the University Center Our Lady of Sponsorship - Salto and Itu - SP, College CEUNSP - Salto - SP, College Itu - Itu - SP College and jump - jump - SP.
Currently, the eight higher education institutions offer undergraduate, graduate and face the distance and outreach programs, respecting local characteristics and demands. In this way, gather academically relevant higher education institutions and recognized brands in their respective markets are the goals of South Educational Cruise.
- São Paulo
São Paulo, Brazil