Dual Degree in Law and Management
Porto, Portugal
5 up to 5 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
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EUR 375 / per course *
* 1st semester: 33 ECTS x €17.20 = 5 monthly installments of €567.60 | 2nd semester: 33 ECTS x €17.20 = 5 monthly fees of €567.60
Key Summary
The Dual Degree Program in Law and Management allows to obtain in 5 years two undergraduate degrees in different but complementary areas: a Degree in Law and a Degree in Management. It is a program that results from the partnership between two schools of reference of Catholic Porto: the Faculty of Law and the Catholic Business School Porto.
The Dual Degree allows the law graduate to acquire business vision and sensitivity to the organizational world, enhancing his ability to work in multidisciplinary teams, where knowledge, sensitivity and articulation of the two areas are required.
In turn, the Dual Degree prepares the degree in Management for the field of fundamental legal frameworks and instruments and to consider the interdisciplinary nature of the challenges facing organizations, promoting an integrated vision of reality.
The Dual Degree Program in Law and Management operates on a daytime basis at the Foz da Católica Porto campus facilities.
The predominant language of instruction is Portuguese, with some curricular units taught in English.
- It is the result of a partnership between two schools of excellence: the Católica Porto Business School and the Catholic Porto Faculty of Law.
- It allows, in 5 years, the conclusion of two degrees: a degree in Law and a degree in Management.
- It empowers students to practice legal professions and to practice professions related to the management of organizations in the private and public sectors.
- It is based on two schools that, for decades, have trained professionals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to respond to the challenges of today's world.
Students who wish to access all the professional exits of the Law and all the exits of the Management, presenting themselves to the labor market with the ideal training for the fiscal and financial consulting, the business law, analysis, planning and structuring operations, contracting and negotiation, financial auditing, regulation, corporate services and institutional relations.
To access the Dual Degree Program in Law and Management it is necessary to have been previously admitted to the Degree in Law and to the Degree in Management.
Access to the Degree in Management
- Hold a secondary course or a legally equivalent qualification;
- Have taken the entrance exam (19) Mathematics A, in 2021, 2020 or 2019.
Access to Law Degree
- Hold a secondary course or a legally equivalent qualification;
- Have taken at least one of the following entrance exams - (11) History, or (16) Mathematics A or B, or (18) Portuguese - in 2021, 2020 or 2019.
Note: Considering the limitations imposed by COVID-19, applications for the Degree in Law in 2020 were submitted, exceptionally, without prior approval in the vocational prerequisite test.
After being admitted to both degrees, will be able to be a serial for access to the Dual Degree Program in Law and Management.
Phase | Applications | Results | Enrollment | Start of classes |
1st | 7 Jun to 6 Aug | 11 Aug | Aug 12 and 13 | 13 set (Right) September 15 (Management) |
2nd | Aug 16 to Sep 28 | 30 set | 1 and 4 oct | 6 oct |
The value of fees, tuition fees and other fees is set annually and published in a specific document (Table of fees, fees and fees), whereby the values to be practiced in subsequent academic years may change.
Other information
- Candidates not admitted to the 1st phase are automatically transferred to the following phases, without the need for a new application or payment of an additional amount.
- The application fee, as well as the registration fee, are non-refundable.
- Upon registration, the registration fee and the 1st monthly fee are due
- The values presented correspond to pre-defined and exemplary situations, not dispensing with the consultation of the fees and tuition table
- The above values are subject to change at the beginning of each academic year
- Benefits to families: UCP grants a reduction in the monthly fee to families with two or more members of the same household studying at the University (1st and 2nd cycle) who depend on the same income as defined in its own regulation. A 25% reduction is granted to the second member and 50% to the third.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.