Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Máster Universitario en Traducción e Interpretación Jurídica y Judicial
1 Years
Full time
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EUR 84 / per credit *
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente.
Key Summary
About: The Máster Universitario en Traducción e Interpretación Jurídica y Judicial focuses on the principles and practices of legal translation and interpretation. It prepares students for the complex language of legal contexts. The program combines theoretical knowledge with practical experience, enhancing skills in both translation and interpretation within the judicial system.
Career Outcomes: Graduates may pursue careers as legal translators, judicial interpreters, and language experts in legal settings. Other potential roles include working in international organizations and governmental agencies, contributing to legal documentation, and providing support in multilingual legal situations.
The completion of a classic program typically entails earning 60 ECTS credits.
Master's Degree Duration: One academic year.
Compulsory Subjects Module
- 627701 Bases of the Spanish legal system focused on TeI
- 627702 Bases of Private International Law and Commercial Law focused on TeI
- 627703 Translatology of the legal text
- 627704 Advanced ortho-typography and computer resources for legal and sworn translation
Arab Itinerary
- 627705 Fundamentals of Law of B-language countries focused on TeI: Arabic
- 627706 Sworn, direct and reverse legal and economic translation: Arabic
- 627707 Direct and reverse sworn legal and judicial translation: Arabic
- 627708 Consecutive interpreting in the judicial field I: Arabic-Spanish
- 627709 Consecutive interpreting in the judicial field II: Spanish-Arabic
Chinese Itinerary
- 627710 Fundamentals of Law of B-language countries focused on TeI: Chinese
- 627711 Sworn legal-economic translation, direct and reverse: Chinese
- 627712 Legal and judicial sworn translation, direct and reverse: Chinese
- 627713 Consecutive interpreting in the judicial field I: Chinese -Spanish
- 627714 Consecutive interpreting in the judicial field II: Spanish - Chinese
English Itinerary
- 627715 Fundamentals of Law of B-language countries focused on TeI: English
- 627716 Sworn legal-economic translation, direct and reverse: English
- 627717 Legal and judicial sworn translation, direct and reverse: English
- 627718 Consecutive interpreting in the judicial field I: English-Spanish
- 627719 Consecutive interpreting in the judicial field II: Spanish-English
German Itinerary
- 627722 Fundamentals of Law of B-language countries focused on TeI: German
- 627723 Sworn legal and economic translation, direct and reverse: German
- 627724 Legal and judicial sworn translation, direct and reverse: German
- 627725 Consecutive interpreting in the judicial field I: German-Spanish
- 627726 Consecutive interpreting in the Judicial field I: Spanish German
External Internship Module
- 627720 External Practices
TFM Module
- 627721 Final Master's Project
Program Outcome
Basic Skills
- CB6 - Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and/or application of ideas, often in a research context
- CB7 - That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study
- CB8 - That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
- CB9 - That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the ultimate knowledge and reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way
- CB10 - That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will have to be largely self-directed or autonomous.
- CG01 - That students acquire the intellectual and deontological guidelines of translators and interpreters
- CG02 - That students develop critical reasoning and an ethical commitment
- CG03 - That students develop analysis and synthesis capacity
- CG04 - That students develop the ability to evaluate and present work in accordance with quality requirements
- CG05 - That students know how to interact in a professional environment (in the classroom) and at work
- CG06 - Translation competence. That students develop the ability to translate legal, judicial and economic texts at the required level
- CG07 - Interpretive competence. That students develop the ability to interpret at the level required in Courts and similar communicative contexts
- CG08 - Linguistic and textual competence in the source language and in the target language. That students develop linguistic and communicative competence in languages A and B of the master's degree and intercultural communicative competence, which allow them to know and use genres and registers in the legal and judicial field and to know the linguistic resources associated with them, which are the basis both for discursive production and for translation and interpretation.
- CG09 - Documentary competence, acquisition, and processing of information. Students effectively acquire the additional linguistic and specialized knowledge necessary to understand the source text and produce the target text.
- CG10 - Cultural competence. Students develop the ability to use information on local conventions, behavior norms, and value systems that characterize cultures, and how they are projected in the use of languages (pragmatic component).
- CG11 - Technological competence. That students develop the skills and techniques required for the professional preparation and production of translations
- CG12 - That students acquire the necessary knowledge in the use, function, and repercussions of sworn translations
Specific Competences
- CE01 - That students know and act in accordance with the professional deontology of translators and interpreters
- CE02 - That students know and apply the rules of sworn translation
- CE03 - That students develop communicative competence in the corresponding A and B languages and intercultural competence for the development of translation and interpretation tasks in Courts
- CE04 - That students know how to determine the values of legal, judicial and economic texts in parameters of linguistic variation and textual function.
- CE05 - That students know how to analyze and distinguish linguistic norms and uses both in legal and economic texts, as well as in a specialized environment of the Courts.
- CE06 - That students know the formal and pragmatic functioning of human language.
- CE07 - That students know the conventions related to the structure of genres, rhetorical resources and the context of production of legal, judicial and economic texts (oral and written)
- CE08 - That students know the fundamental linguistic concepts and theories; applied to legal, judicial and economic texts.
- CE09 - That students know the cultural and social context and the norms and uses of the corresponding languages A and B, also contemplating their diversity and know how to apply them in specific contexts such as that of the Courts
- CE10 - That students develop a framework of cultural references and know how to use the information on local conventions, behavior norms and value systems of the cultures of origin and destination within the framework of intercultural and multilingual communication, and how they are projected in the uses of languages (pragmatic component) in legal and judicial contexts
- CE11 - Let them study esal de la lengua B.i before they know the characteristic and defining features of translation as a linguistic phenomenon and the rules applicable to legal, judicial and economic translation
- CE12 - That students acquire skills and strategies to achieve and argue for equivalence in translation, legal, judicial and economic translation.
- CE13 - That students acquire skills and strategies to distinguish linguistic analysis units and translation units in legal, judicial and economic texts.
- CE14 - That students know how to analyze and describe the normative, textual and pragmatic implications of legal, judicial and economic translation.
- CE15 - That students know the fundamental translation concepts and theories and apply them to legal and judicial translation and interpretation
- CE16 - That students master the necessary procedures to carry out textual reproduction tasks: comprehension, formulation and linguistic alternation, with legal and judicial texts.
- CE17 - That students know the regulatory framework of administrative, judicial and commercial procedures.
- CE18 - That students are able to select and manage legal and economic information and documentation
- CE19 - That students are able to write in accordance with the textual conventions of legal and economic texts and to read and interpret legal and economic texts
- CE20 - That students know the regulatory framework of relations and national and international legal public institutions
- CE21 - That students understand the importance of Law as a regulatory system for social relations
- CE22 - That students know the basic techniques of interpreting in the judicial field.
- CE23 - That students acquire control over their own procedures: knowing how to order the pertinent data of the original text and the communicative situation to direct the selection of techniques and the evaluation of results, ensuring terminological coherence, register and style, and apply with legal and judicial texts
- CE24 - For students to master note-taking techniques in court interpreting
- CE25 - That students know how to deal with the unexpected (changes in scope, subject, scheme, etc.) and interruptions in communication in judicial contexts.
- CE26 - That students are aware of the verbal, paralinguistic, kinesic and proxemic information transmitted by a message and integrate it into their interpretation in a judicial environment
- CE27 - That students know how to avoid the most frequent transfer errors between languages, within the framework of judicial interpretations
- CE28 - That students coordinate the processes of reception in the source language and production in the target language, within the framework of a judicial interpretation
- CE29 - That students are able to concentrate on a task within the framework of a judicial interpretation, resisting psychological fatigue during its execution.
- CE30 - That students know the physical media and electronic equipment used in simultaneous interpretation in a judicial context.
- CE31 - That students develop the cognitive skills (analysis, concentration and memory) necessary for the exercise of interpretation in a judicial context.
- CE32 - For students to master computer technologies applied to legal, judicial and economic translation, based on practice with computer programs.
- CE33 - That students know how to use documentary resources and be able to develop adequate strategies for the use of available information sources to translate legal, judicial and economic texts and perform interpretations in Courts.
- CE34 - Acquire awareness of the need for a proactive and responsible attitude in cooperative teamwork environments, within the framework of legal translations.
- CE35 - That students are capable of evaluating and presenting work in accordance with quality requirements and the requirements of the style guide and the format in which the product has been presented.
- CE36 - That students know how to plan their own work and carry it out independently