Máster de Formación Permanente en Cirugía Bucal e Implantología
2 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
EUR 22,000 *
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente.
Key Summary
First course
Oral Anatomy, Medicine, and Pathology
- Topic 1-4: Anatomical memory of the Stomatognathic System: Oral Cavity and TMJ.
- Topic 5: Introduction to Oral Medicine
- Topic 6: Bleeding pathologies and their relationship with Oral Surgery
- Topic 7: Hepato-renal pathology and its relationship with Oral Surgery.
- Topic 8: Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy of the head and neck and its relationship with Surgery
- Oral
- Topic 9: Antiaggregant and anticoagulant drugs. New Protocols in Surgery
- Oral.
- Topic 10: Medications associated with osteonecrosis of the jaw. Protocols and management
- of the pathology.
- Topic 11: Oral manifestations of hematological, rheumatic, and
- mucocutaneous
- Topic 12: Oral cancer.
Oral, Implant and Periodontal Surgery I
- Topic 1: Planning and Diagnostic Imaging in Oral and Implant Surgery.
- Topic 2: Surgical times in Oral and Implant Surgery.
- Topic 3: Emergencies and Emergencies in Oral and Implant Surgery.
- Topic 4: Management of special patients in Oral and Implant Surgery.
- Topic 5: Antibiotherapy in Oral and Implant Surgery.
- Topic 6: Treatment of oral braces: Frenotomy and Frenulectomy.
- Topic 7: Treatment of included, retained, and impacted molars.
- Topic 8: Extraction of included canines.
- Topic 9: Periapical surgery.
- Topic 10: Cysts and tumors of the jaws.
- Topic 11: Materials for use in Guided Bone Regeneration.
- Topic 12: Basic principles in immediate implantology.
- Topic 13: Basic principles of immediate unitary loading in implantology.
- Topic 13: Second surgical phase in implantology, management of soft tissues.
- Topic 14: Implants in the anterior maxillary region, current concept.
- Topic 15: Short implants in atrophic jaws.
- Topic 16: Risk factors in implant failure.
Dental Prosthesis on Dental Implants
- Topic 1: Planning of the implantological surgical act.
- Topic 2: Selection of prosthetic pillars.
- Topic 3: Impressions in prosthetics on implants.
- Topic 4: Implant biomechanics.
- Topic 5: Implant-supported prosthesis.
- Topic 6: Fixed partial prosthesis on dental implants.
- Topic 7: Implant-retained overdentures.
- Topic 8: Digital flow in prosthetics on dental implants.
- Topic 9: Occlusion in prostheses supported on dental implants.
Investigation methodology
- Topic 1: Rules for the preparation of the Master's Final Project. Search of
- information in databases.
- Topic 2: Advanced search strategies.
- Topic 3: Installation and use of a bibliographic manager.
- Topic 4: Introduction to biomedical research
- Topic 5: Critical reading and writing of scientific articles
Second course
Oral, Implant and Periodontal Surgery II
- Topic 1: Biomechanics of Dental Implants and their Connections.
- Topic 2: Crestal Expansion Techniques in atrophic maxillae.
- Topic 3: Insertion of dental implants in maxillary buttresses.
- Topic 4: Sinus membrane elevation techniques.
- Topic 5: Autotransplantation and dental reimplantation.
- Topic 6: Anteroposterior immediate dental implants with complex techniques.
- Topic 7: Aesthetic implantology of the maxillary anterior sector.
- Topic 8: Management of soft tissues with provisional dental prosthesis.
- Topic 9: Management of soft tissues in dental implantology.
- Topic 10: Total rehabilitation of the maxillary arches "full arch".
- Topic 11: Technique "all on four / on six" indications, survival rate and indications.
- Topic 12: Advanced bone regeneration in implantology.
- Topic 13: Guided bone regeneration in horizontal and vertical defects.
- Topic 14: Bi- and three-dimensional autologous graft (the F. Khoury technique).
- Topic 15: Advanced management of the maxillary anterior sector in implantology. Update.
The general evaluation model will be that of "continuous evaluation", as established in the Regulation that regulates it (article 1.3). This system assesses the level of acquisition of the learning results throughout the development of each course of the Own Title through various assessment tests.
In order to objectify the continuous evaluation day by day, students must present and defend clinical cases; as well as presentations associated with the theoretical classes or workshops given.
Total number of credits: 120
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.