Curso Superior Universitario en Prevención de Blanqueo de Capitales y Financiación del Terrorismo
5 Months
Full time
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EUR 900 *
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Key Summary
Introduction to Money Laundering
- Money laundering: concept and characteristics
- Risks for the financial system
- Tax crime and corruption as predicate offenses
- Economic consequences of money laundering
- tax havens
International Standards on Money Laundering
- The Financial Action Task Force:
- 40 Recommendations: Money laundering
- Mutual evaluations: procedure and scope.
- The Egmont Group
Spanish preventive system
- Obligations of Law 10/2010 and Royal Decree 304/2014
- Legislative news of the European Union
- The preventive system: Competent authorities and the role of the regulator
Risk assessment in clients and operations
- Location and forms of valuation
- Practical case of risk assessment in international transactions
Spanish Repressive System
- Blocking of funds and international financial sanctions
- Law 12/2003 and Commission for the Surveillance of Terrorist Financing Activities.
- Applicable international financial sanctions
- Applicable Security Council resolutions
- European Regulations
- Fund blocking procedure and communication
- Asset Tracking Systems, homonymy problems
- case study
Asset recovery
- The importance of asset recovery in the fight against organized crime
- The asset location and recovery system in Spain.
Crypto assets
- Money laundering through crypto assets.
- Financing of terrorism through crypto assets.
- Types of Money Laundering
Characteristics of the Financing of Terrorism
- Operational Characteristics of Terrorist Financing
- Modalities
- Sources of funding
International Standards on Terrorist Financing
- The Financial Action Task Force:
- 40 Recommendations: Financing of Terrorism
- Financing of proliferation.
- Resolutions of the Security Council. CTC
Spanish repressive system
- The criminal type in the financing of terrorism
- Property crimes committed to finance terrorist activities.
- Economic collaboration with armed gangs or terrorist groups
- Public financing of parties, NGOs, or associations related to terrorism
- Liability of legal persons. Its application in the Financing of Terrorism.
Analysis Techniques
- Presentation of the Basic Methodology of Conventional Analysis in AML/FT
- Sources of information and their integration in the analysis process.
- Introduction of some Structured Analysis Techniques for AML/FT.
- Practical Case of Operations Analysis.
Cash movements across the border: controls and risks of money laundering and financing of terrorism.
- FATF Recommendation 32
- Spanish legislation
- Controls applicable in Spain
- Typologies of Financing of Terrorism Commander Mario García García. Economic Research Subgroup. Civil Guard.
Program Outcome
General understanding of the legal and operational characteristics of money laundering and terrorist financing. Understanding and specific learning about the risk assessment of ML and FT of clients and operations, Acquisition of skills to carry out a strategic analysis of operations that may be linked to ML and FT. Analysis of the criminal type of both crimes, including international requirements on them, the practical application by the courts of justice and the special investigation techniques used by the State investigation forces, and knowledge of new typologies used for BC and FT.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.