Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Curso de Extensión Universitaria en Dirección de Empresas y Marketing
210 Hours
Full time
Request application deadline
Oct 2025
EUR 3,100 *
* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente
Key Summary
About: The Curso de Extensión Universitaria en Dirección de Empresas y Marketing focuses on developing strategic skills in business management and marketing. Designed to provide practical knowledge, it prepares students to tackle real-world challenges in the corporate environment.
Career Outcomes: Graduates can pursue careers in various fields, including marketing management, business development, and consultancy. Opportunities may also exist in advertising, sales management, and corporate strategy roles.
Business Management:
- Current companies. Billing. Template.
- International comparisons.
- The company. Advantages and disadvantages of SMEs. Culture.
- General policies.
- The sectors. Typology: size, concentration.
- Lifecycle. P.M. The 5 FPs.
- The environment. Guys. Factors of economic, political, social influence, etc.). Competitive advantages. Threats and opportunities.
- Functions and tasks of business management.
- Practical cases).
Strategic commercial direction:
- Marketing. Evolution. Concepts. business processes.
- Needs. Wishes. Lawsuits. Perceived value.
- Planning. Guys. Strategic direction.
- SWOT analysis. Arrays. Competitive strategies.
- Strategic analysis. Strategic business units.
- Instruments. Product, pricing, promotion, and distribution policies.
- The control panel of the commercial director.
- Practical cases).
Market research:
- Concept. Process. Main errors. Types of research. data sources.
- qualitative techniques. Types of studies. The group.
- The interview. Projective techniques.
- Quantitative techniques. Statistics. Sampling types. Estimators. Bias.
- Statistical tables. Papers. Pseudopurchase.
- The survey. Process. Resources. Questionnaire.
- Fieldwork. Tabulation. Coding.
- Results. Internet.
- Practical cases).
Product Policy:
- Purchase mobiles. Consumer decision process.
- Analysis and classification of products. Perceived value.
- competitive forces.
- Customer analysis. Classification.
- Product quality. The container. The brand. Positioning.
- Lifecycle.
- Analysis of a product portfolio.
- New products. Product's release. Internet.
- Practical cases).
Pricing policy:
- The Triple Approach, Definition. price band.
- General strategies.
- The perceived value. Possible errors. Value analysis. Profit concept.
- Pricing techniques. Experience curve prices. Prices according to the life cycle.
- New products. Prices by product lines.
- Differentials. Joint price. Performance management.
- Internet.
- Practical cases).
Economic-financial management:
- Introduction to accounting. Beginning. accounts. Seating. General accounting plan. Valuation criteria.
- Financial statements. The balance. Profit and loss accounts. The memory.
- Patrimonial, economic, and financial analysis. Equity balance. Average ripening period. Cash Flow. Treasury budget. Value of a company.
- Diagnosis. Types of costs. Profitability threshold. Commercial and marketing ratios. Economic and financial returns. Margin of sales.
- Rotation or margin trading strategies.
- Practical cases).
Promotion policy:
- Commercial communication: company image.
- The target.
- Advertising: campaigns. Goals. Strategies. Promotion and support. Conditions. Design. Unconventional advertising.
- Public relations. Direct marketing. merchandising. Criteria. Indexes. Management by DPP. The use of POS.
- Advertising media. Marketing. Investment. Investigation. Media planning. Advertising Services.
- Ethics in communication. Regulations in force. Internet.
- Practical cases).
Sales network:
- Characteristics. functions. systems. Optimal template.
- Recruitment. Selection. Analysis and description of PT Profiles. interviews.
- Training. costs. Remuneration.
- Optimal template. Budget. Commissions. Cousins. Profitability threshold. Contribution. Profitability by areas, products, and services.
- Assignment by-products, areas, and clients. Preparation of routes.
- Supervision. Performance evaluation. Control of the sales network. Internet.
- Practical cases).
Motivation and leadership:
- Purchase decision process.
- Behavior. Main variables. Normal.
- The personality. Values. Attitudes. Aptitudes. Motivations. Conducts.
- Multivariable models for decision making. Temper. Character.
- Motivation in the company. Impulsive and reflective decision processes.
- Models: Maslow, Herzberg, McClelland, Vroom, etc. Satisfiers.
- Leadership. Status of current theories and models.
- Management styles. Charismatic, situational and transformational leadership.
- self-assessments
- Practical cases).
Distribution Policy:
- channels. functions. Structure. Dimensions. Advantages. Drawbacks.
- Channel segmentation. design factors. Determinants. Customers. Products. Intermediaries. Around.
- Channel planning. Type and number of preliminary intermediaries. Alternatives. Analysis. Assessment. Choice.
- Vertical distribution systems. Managed. contractual.
- Strategies type. Channel management. Internet.
- Practical cases).
The business plan:
- Planning. Process. Strategy. Strategy levels. Relationship between strategic commercial planning and marketing plan.
- Goals. Management by objectives. functions. Characteristics. Guys.
- Methodology for preparing the annual business plan.
- Strategic analysis. Main matrices. Preliminary goals by pmt. Competitive strategies. Differentiation. Segmentation. Cost leadership. Positioning.
- Implementation.
- New products. Resources (economic, human, material).
- Economic and commercial information system for management.
- Practical cases).
Marketing audit:
- The decisions. Management control. Information systems.
- The control panel.
- Marketing audit. Content. Development. Elements of the commercial director's control panel. standards. Results. Time covered by the chart.
- Criteria to analyze the product, channels, customers, environment, strategy, organization, and system.
- Warehouses. Sales effectiveness ratios. Quality. Returns.
- Practical cases).
Digital marketing:
- Online Marketing.
- Social Media and Marketing.
- Web designs and positioning.
- Practical cases).
Formation of work teams:
- Groups and teams. differences. Evolution. Common objectives. Synergies. Search for improvements in objectives, methods, and organizational effectiveness
- Stake. Reference context. Content selection. Satisfaction.
- Creation of work teams. Task enrichment. Methodology.
- Techniques for creating work teams. Classes. The content. The process.
- The methods: perceptive, acceptance, catalyst, parallel organization, and confrontation.
- The Blake, Mouton, and Allen model. Methodology. Diagnosis. Development.
- Practical cases).
International marketing:
- Applicable international environment. Global economic blocs. Export potential. Triggers. Advantages. Drawbacks.
- Necessary resources.
- Introduction stages: subsidiaries, licenses, alliances, company.
End of course project:
- Strategic business and marketing plan.
External Internship: Extracurricular
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
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