Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Construyendo lazos para una comunidad euroasiática pacífica y sostenible desde el conocimiento mutuo: historia, cultura y nuevas tecnologías
4 Months
Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2025
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* El precio para estudiantes no comunitarios no residentes es sólo aproximado ya que cada tarifa académica es diferente
Key Summary
About: This program focuses on building connections for a peaceful and sustainable Euro-Asian community through mutual knowledge, history, culture, and new technologies. Students will explore how these elements interact to foster understanding and collaboration among diverse societies.
Career Outcomes: Graduates may find opportunities in international relations, cultural diplomacy, and roles within NGOs or government agencies that work on cross-cultural projects and sustainable development initiatives.
- Asia's Frontiers. Disputed States and Territories: In Search of a Path to Coexistence and Peace in the Eurasian World.
- The Necessity and Possibility of the Asian Community
- Asian Studies in Spain. An academic construction born for the knowledge of Asia from Europe.
- Asian Philosophies and their Reception in Europe: A Path to Understanding the Other?
- Asia, Leader of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Eurasian Routes to New Technologies.
- Positive Peace and Negative Peace: Conflict Resolution and Mediation. A proposal from a Eurasian perspective
- Spain's Islamic past. A possible bridge for the creation of a Eurasian Community based on coexistence and interculturality.
- Consume or perish? From consumerism to the sharing society in contemporary Japan. An analysis from a Eurasian perspective.
- The North Korean factor in Eurasian relations
- The Nature of Relations between Qing Emperors and Tibetan Hierarchs: A Model for the Quest for Mutual Eurasian Knowledge
- History and present of Asia-European relations. Case of Spain and China
- Macao and Lusofonia: 500 Years of Experience for a More Hamonious Euro-Asian Comunit
- Global Environment Management System in the 21st Century
- Asia Cultural Community and Chinese Character Exchange
- Global Citizenship and One Asia in the 21st Century
- A key institution in the Spanish institutional framework towards the Asia-Pacific area
- The construction of a framework of general knowledge about Asia in Spain
- Asia-Pacific: Geopolitics of a new global reality.
- The difficult institutionalization of Asian Studies in Spain
- Asian history. an unknown matter
- The Spanish University and its projection in Asia