Bachelor in Business Engineering
Guatemala City, Guatemala
8 Semesters
Full time
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USD 9,700 / per year *
* annual price
Key Summary
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Free To Create Solutions
Business Engineering at the UFM is the only program that allows you to focus on your interests through a methodology based on practical projects. You will be a leading professional change, creative, entrepreneur and innovator par excellence, who discovers opportunities and optimizes processes.
Change Leader
You will be able to integrate the knowledge and tools of technology, engineering and business and you will be prepared to compete successfully in the global economy.
If you like scientific challenges and you are looking for a preparation that integrates engineering, technology and business, Business Engineering will train you as an entrepreneur, with enough preparation to trace and direct the strategic path in the company, in an open, competitive and globalized
Project Based Learning
If you want to be really good at something, you should practice it. The methodology in which Business Engineering resources are developed is called Project Based Learning (PjBL) , a "hands on" methodology aimed at promoting your intrinsic motivation, pushing you to make your own decisions, to try, fail, correct and connect your projects with the world around you.
Hands On Engineering
A bridge between different opportunities within an organization, that allow to connect technological and innovation environments with business ideas, give space to analytical strengths and awaken, even more, the taste for science.
The Business Engineering course will give you the necessary tools to understand the problems of an organization and solve them through the implementation of theoretical and technological strategies that guarantee growth in a competitive market.
You will be able to identify opportunities to improve and optimize business, industrial and technological processes, influencing the ability of the company to integrate its value chain.
Approach to the Industry
The Fresh Partners program is designed with the purpose of bringing students to the challenges and opportunities of a real company. In the last year of your career, you will be able to put your knowledge into practice to solve problems and develop your teamwork skills.
A Learning Adventure
The learning experience at the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the UFM, is characterized by its academic rigor and the passion we all have to learn. We constantly research the best contents and the most innovative methods, in order to raise the quality of student learning, in an environment that promotes questioning, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Choose Your Specialization
- Management Information Systems
- Operations Management
- Data Science
- Product Design
- Interactive Product Design
Mis- Management Information Systems
You can integrate technologies, hardware and software, data, process and human elements designed to produce timely, integrated and relevant information in order to make sound decisions.
Operations Management
Design products, process and services, integrated with the supply chain. You can make decisions about the acquisition, development and use of resources that your company needs to deliver value to your customers.
Data Science
In this interdisciplinary field you can extract knowledge or insights from large volumes of data. It is a combination of several fields of analysis such as statistics, data mining and predictive analysis.
Product Design
You can turn your ideas into tangible products, developing creative ideas and use of technology. * Alliance with the School of Architecture
Interactive Product Design
Digital design is everywhere, from web pages to apps and specialized digital content. Learn to create attractive visual stories for the consumer. * Alliance with the School of Architecture
Global Mindset
The learning experience is characterized by the passion and rigor with which we approach the study, with a global perspective but always thinking of the local.
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