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Universidad Europea del Atlántico

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) is an academic institution of higher education that offers its students a comprehensive training based on excellence and committed to people . Along with the competencies of each subject or discipline, the University guarantees all its students the acquisition of a high level of English and transversal skills in the use of the most innovative technologies , teamwork and project planning and management. .

UNEATLANTICO is integrated into the Spanish university system and teaches courses aimed at obtaining official degrees . The educational model is face-to-face and gives special prominence to the use of information and communication technologies , and to practice-oriented training . With this learning system, it is committed to enhancing the autonomy of the student and the acquisition of skills linked to the demands of their profession.

In addition, to facilitate the integration of students in a highly competitive labor market, the University has numerous collaboration agreements with companies and professionals from different sectors . This synergy between UNEATLANTICO , industry and society as a whole also allows us to promote specialized profiles in the most innovative sectors.

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico (UNEATLANTICO) is a dynamic and flexible institution that adapts to the needs of students through personalized attention . The teaching team is made up of prominent national and international professors, professionals, researchers and academics of recognized prestige.

Our educational offer is structured in official degrees and masters, as well as in different own titles . The University houses the faculties of Health Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities , and the Higher Polytechnic School .

Promotion of entrepreneurial culture

The University that believes in your projects

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico aims to stimulate entrepreneurial initiative and familiarize students with the business world , seeking, for this, the development of creative and innovative ideas, in coherence with the industrial fabric and the culture of the geographical environment of the University .

Our students are linked to real projects and activities of their profession from the first year. This experience is also enriched with transversal training on how to create your own company , participate in different projects and create synergies between them, value and experience teamwork , develop leadership skills and improve communication skills .

The University, in alliance with professionals, managers and businessmen, helps entrepreneurial students to start their projects, guiding and accompanying them in their exit to the labor market. UNEATLANTICO collaborates with investment funds specialized in the preparation and financing of new business projects (Business Angels) and makes spaces and facilities available to its students to start their activities.

The University of the 21st century

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico develops a methodology that combines theoretical training of the highest scientific rigor with the implementation of the knowledge acquired from day one. The University bases its teaching-learning model on the following fundamental pillars to train the professionals of the future:

Methodology: UNEATLANTICO's methodology focuses on achieving practice-oriented learning and an active participation of the student in the teaching process. To do this, work in small groups and in multidisciplinary teams, the connection to projects and professional practices, as well as the realization of tutorials and supervision that will allow the student to develop skills fully aligned to the demands of the current world of work are encouraged.

Language training

The Universidad Europea del Atlántico , aware of the importance of the knowledge of English in the professional field , includes training in this language in the curricula of all degrees with the aim that students finish their degree with a communicative competence in English that allows them to function without difficulties in the work context of their profession. For this, from the second year, English subjects are offered and, from the third year, some of the subjects of the degree are taught in this language. This allows students to achieve a C1 of the CEFR. In the Applied Languages and Translation and Interpreting degrees, training in English is more intense from the first year and students finish the degree with a C2 of the CEFR.

Additionally, the university, in its educational commitment to improving the language skills of its students, also offers them the possibility of studying French and / or German.

The subjects are organized into semesters and comprise four hours a week. Successful completion by the student is recorded in their academic record and in the European Diploma Supplement. In this way, UNEATLANTICO encourages students to complete their undergraduate studies with advanced competence in another foreign language, in addition to English. This will undoubtedly have a very positive effect on your professional future. In an increasingly globalized and intercommunicated world, knowledge of languages has become a very relevant element in people's personal and professional training.

Likewise, the university, in order to promote the Spanish language and culture, also offers courses in Spanish as a foreign language from level A1 to C2 of the CEFR for international students.

Personalized training

The teachers take care of the monitoring and orientation of each student, establishing complementary training itineraries that guarantee the successful achievement of the objectives of all subjects.

Real Work Environments

The University is designed so that students can put their profession into practice from the first year, stimulating entrepreneurial initiative and becoming familiar with the business world. Students receive specific training in projects to have the foundations of project management and design. In addition, thanks to the agreement with companies and institutions, all students in the last year of their degree will put their training into practice to facilitate their immersion in the world of work.


The Universidad Europea del Atlántico is an official, non-profit university, and recognized by the Spanish State through its Law of creation. Their official university degrees are registered in the Registry of Universities, Centers and Titles of the Ministry of Education of the Government of Spain.

The study plans, adapted to the Bologna Treaty and the European Higher Education Area, were verified by the Council of Universities and received a favorable evaluation report from the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA).

In compliance with current university legislation, the University obtained the corresponding authorization to commence activities and the implementation of its undergraduate university teachings, in accordance with the declaration of its official character by Agreement of the Council of Ministers of the Government of Spain.

Read more on the institution's website

    • Santander

      Calle Isabel Torres,21, 39011, Santander

    Universidad Europea del Atlántico