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Universidad de Murcia Master's Degree in Psychology of Social Intervention
Universidad de Murcia

Master's Degree in Psychology of Social Intervention

Murcia, Spain

18 Months


Full time

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EUR 2,280 / per year *


* โ‚ฌ 3671.32: international students. The data that appears on this page are not official, only indicative. For more information contact the secretariat of the corresponding center.

Key Summary

    About: The Masterโ€™s Degree in Psychology of Social Intervention focuses on understanding the psychological factors affecting individuals within social contexts. This programme equips students with skills to implement effective interventions and address social issues.
    Career Outcomes: Graduates can pursue careers as social workers, community psychologists, or mental health specialists. They may work in non-profit organizations, government agencies, or mental health clinics, focusing on creating positive social change and improving individual well-being.


The Master's Degree in Psychology of Social Intervention has a professional character of 90 ECTS. Given the prospective employment for the third sector and the social enterprise and the legal recognition of professional work, this training constitutes one of the booming sources of employment for the coming decades, including professionals not only in the field of public administration (social services, shelters, penitentiary institutions, etc.) but in that of private entities (Red Cross, foundations, associations, etc.).

The objective of the Master is to equip students with specialized knowledge, skills and attitudes for professional and investigative practice, with a critical and reflective perspective, linked to the field of psychology of social intervention to improve the quality of life and well-being of individuals, groups and communities.

Likewise, the Study Plan of this Master's Degree takes into account that any professional activity, especially in this title, must be carried out:

  • With respect for fundamental rights and equality between men and women.
  • Respecting and promoting Human Rights and the principles of universal accessibility and design for all, in accordance with the provisions of the tenth final provision of Law 51/2003, of December 2, on Equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility of disabled people.
  • In accordance with the values of a culture of peace and democratic values.

Master's file

Teaching center: Faculty of Psychology
Type of teaching: Face-to-face
Language: Spanish
Duration: 1.5 year
ECTS credits: 60
Title: Master's Degree in Psychology of Social Intervention
Scholarships, grants and mobility: National / International
Price per credit:
  • In 1st registration: โ‚ฌ 37.11
  • In 2nd registration: โ‚ฌ 60.32
  • In 3rd registration: โ‚ฌ 69.59
  • In 4th or successive: โ‚ฌ 69.59


The progressive importance that psychological work has acquired in the field of social processes, is evidenced in the recognition of the Psychology of Social Intervention (PSIS) by the Official College of Psychologists, as one of the most professional profiles development in recent years and with greater prospects for the future. The Official College of Psychologists itself has produced a comprehensive document defining the professional profile, functions and areas of application, which this Master has used as a reference. In it, it is commented that "The need to give a conceptual body to the heterogeneous set of professional activities carried out in social intervention was felt years ago. Its urgency was strongly felt due to the novelty of this professional sector that without a Previous university training (until relatively recently university specializations followed the criteria of the three main areas: clinical, educational and organizations) was immersed in a significant demand, especially generated from the public system of social services developed in the last two decades. "


The following basic competences will be guaranteed as a minimum, and those others that appear in the Spanish Framework of Qualifications for Higher Education (MECES).

Basic skills

The basic competencies of this study plan allow and guarantee that students:

  • Possess and understand knowledge that provides a basis or opportunity to be original in the development and / or application of ideas, often in a research context.
  • That students know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of โ€‹โ€‹study.
  • That students are able to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of making judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • That students know how to communicate their conclusions and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them to specialized and non-specialized audiences in a clear and unambiguous way.
  • That students have the learning skills that allow them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.

General Competences

  • Know the different models of psychological intervention in the social sphere, at the individual, family and group levels.
  • Show ability to work in multidisciplinary teams adapting to the objective circumstances of the performance of the professional function.
  • Know how to value and integrate the implication of the different psychological, social, economic aspects, etc. in the choice and use of available resources.
  • Design and apply interventions aimed at promoting quality of life and social inclusion, especially in the highest risk sectors.
  • Carry out professional action based on respect for human rights and equality between men and women, to generate a democratic and peaceful culture.
  • Show an ethical commitment, applying the professional code of ethics.

Specific Competences

  • Knowing how to carry out psychological and social evaluation and diagnosis at the individual, family, group and social levels, identifying social needs, aspirations and problems, attending to cultural diversity and the perspective of human development and quality of life.
  • Knowing how to select and prioritize the personal and social needs detected to proceed, in the consensual elaboration with the recipients and other professionals of the intervention, to the design and development of action plans.
  • Mastery of the evaluation, planning and development of actions for the improvement and integration of people and groups in situations of risk and social exclusion (older people, with sensorimotor disabilities, with addictions, minors, migrants, etc.).
  • Prepare and implement rigorous and systematic processes for evaluating intervention programs in terms of their design, development and impact, analyzing effects, assessing progress and, where appropriate, proceeding to redefine objectives and decisions.
  • Apply the principle of gender mainstreaming in the development of the various functions and procedures of social intervention, specifically developing the promotion of equality between men and women.
  • Master the skills to perform the common functions of the professional profile of psychosocial intervention related to direct care, advice and consultancy, training and community revitalization.
  • Expertise in the analysis of the sources and manifestations of the conflicts implicit in social problems, and in the knowledge of the resources and strategies for their resolution according to the field of intervention, knowing how to professionally apply negotiation and mediation skills.
  • Master the management of documentary sources in order to apply the relevant documentation (reports, regulations, directives, etc.) and the policies associated with social intervention at the regional, Spanish and European levels, and critically and critically assess their impact on the different contexts of action and in their professional functions.
  • Formulate research proposals, updated documentary and carry them out from an innovative point of view, in the areas of psychosocial intervention.
  • Design and prepare surveys and scales for the evaluation and detection of needs and collect the information respecting sampling criteria (suitability, representativeness, etc.).
  • Have the basic knowledge in legislation and other legal aspects as well as the necessary skills for adequate professional action in all areas of social intervention psychology, (legislation and legal procedures; preparation of expert reports and psychological reports; testimony and juries).

Graduation profile

The graduated students are experts in Psychology of Social Intervention and able to place their action at the macro and micro social level. It rigorously supports the psychosocial analysis and intervention processes in situations of different degrees of complexity that demand specific actions to contribute to their resolution.

Read more on the institution's website

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
