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Universidad de Murcia Master's Degree in Bio-law: Law, Ethics and Science
Universidad de Murcia

Master's Degree in Bio-law: Law, Ethics and Science

Murcia, Spain

1 Years


Full time

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EUR 2,280 / per year *


* € 3671.32: international students. The data that appears on this page are not official, only indicative. For more information contact the secretariat of the corresponding center.


Master's file

Teaching center: law School
Type of teaching: Face-to-face
Language: Spanish
Duration: One year
ECTS credits: 60
Title: Interuniversity Master's Degree in Labor Orientation and Intermediation
Scholarships, grants and mobility: National / International
Price per credit:
  • In 1st registration: € 37.11
  • In 2nd registration: € 60.32
  • In 3rd registration: € 69.59
  • In 4th or successive: € 69.59


The absence of a degree with similar characteristics, referring to Bio-law and Bioethics, represents a delay in the training process of students who wish to specialize, for professional or other reasons, in the field of bioethics applied to the legal environment in our country and, in particular, in the Universities of the Autonomous Community of Murcia. The catalog of disciplines that comprise Bio-law and Bioethics is certainly wide and does not have sufficient support in learning. Perhaps, of all this framework of unexplored knowledge for students, there is, as a great representative of the aforementioned deficit, Bio-law, which is a great unknown to the lawyer in many of its manifestations, as his study is not integrated in a specific field to give it unity. Although their knowledge and subsequent exercise affects not only legal professionals but also, and to a great extent, doctors and health professionals in general, biologists, philosophers, psychologists, sociologists, etc. and scientific-experimental researchers in general.

Aware of the need to systematically approach the study of the very diverse issues in which Biolaw is involved, from the Law School and in close collaboration with the "Center for Studies in Biolaw, Ethics and Health at the Universidad de Murcia ", The study program that is the subject of this Master has been prepared. Indeed, these are studies that, even though they are linked to the Law School, have a notable interdisciplinary dimension, for which reason collaboration with other university entities with a broader spectrum has been considered extremely pertinent. This is the case of the Center for Studies in Bio-law, Ethics and Health, where a large number of researchers from different branches of knowledge converge who can provide a broad vision of the subject to those who take the Master's in Bio-law: Law, Ethics and Science. In fact, a good part of the teaching staff of the Master is a member of the aforementioned Study Center.

As stated in the memory of the title, the references provided are numerous (national and international). Some of the most significant are the Spanish Bioethics Committee, the Observatori de Bioètica i Dret, the Interuniversity Chair of Law and the Human Genome at the University of Deusto, The Hastings Center (USA), or the UNESCO International Committee on Bioethics . The improvements are materialized in the beginning of a deep collaboration with the Interuniversity Center of Ricerca Bioetica (CIRB) of Napoli through the agreement that has been signed between it and the Center for Studies in Biderecho, Ethics and Health (CEBES) of the Universidad de Murcia , entity that collaborates directly with the teaching and development of the subjects of the Master.


Basic skills

  • Know how to apply the knowledge acquired and their ability to solve problems in new or little-known environments, both in bio-law, and within broader (or multidisciplinary) contexts related to their area of study.
  • Ability to integrate knowledge and face the complexity of formulating bio-legal content judgments based on information that, being incomplete or limited, includes reflections on the social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments.
  • Ability to communicate the conclusions (and the knowledge and ultimate reasons that support them) to audiences specialized in bio-law and bioethics who are no longer specialized in a clear and unambiguous way.
  • Possess the learning skills that allow them to continue studying the science of bio-law in a way that will have to be largely self-directed or autonomous.
  • Ability to publicly present research ideas, procedures or reports, to convey emotions or to advise people and organizations in the field of bio-law.

General Competences

  • Being able to carry out autonomous and advanced research in the field of bio-law, both through the self-definition of work through its organization and temporal planning, and through the critical capacity to detect bioethical and legal problems that require a solution.
  • Being able to issue a legal opinion on a controversial issue that reflects advanced training in legal interpretation, argumentation and methodology, as well as in critical awareness within the limits that respect and tolerance impose.
  • Ability to work in a team in an interdisciplinary way, promoting active listening and respectful dialogue.
  • Ability to innovate and create original bio-law work based on the application of ethical, legal and health knowledge to quality scientific research.

Specific Competences

  • Being able to assess the importance of Law as a regulatory system for social relations, perceiving the necessary interdisciplinary vision of ethical and legal problems in the life sciences environment and from the knowledge of the principles that govern bioethics.
  • Ability to make bioethical and biolegal decisions in problem solving through deliberative procedures that inform the work of legal operators and judges as well as members of hospital ethics committees, clinical trials, and ad hoc committees.
  • Being able to understand and analyze the social, cultural, ethical and legal consequences of scientific progress on human life, especially advances in genetics and medicine.
  • Being able to locate and interpret legislative updates and jurisprudential decisions on Bio-law, influencing, at the international level, the analysis of similarities and differences between societies.
  • Ability to analyze, describe, assess and communicate empirical information on the reality of life sciences, health systems and biomedical research, deepening its ethical and legal implications.
  • Identify and understand the problems and human needs, both individual and collective, that are generated at the beginning and end of life, providing possible solutions that are, at the same time, legally viable, ethically desirable and politically feasible.
  • Ability to identify current debates in the biotechnological and biomedical fields by arguing about them rigorously and precisely using the applicable law, both in terms of legal regulation and in the field of legal responsibility that they may generate.
  • Being able to search for information in various sources (Libraries, Newspapers, Databases, Internet, etc.) related to Bio-law, health sciences and the ethical and bioethical field.
  • Being able to read, interpret and write legal texts relating the ethical foundations of the assumptions, the social consequences, their scientific premises and the health implications that they entail.
  • Reinforce ethical attitudes related to the values that permeate human development (equality, freedom, equity, respect for people, etc.) and those related to academic and research tasks (prudence in handling data, confidentiality and secrecy professional, honesty in the treatment of information, etc.).
  • Being able to analyze and understand health regulations –clinical and experimental-, the rights and duties that it generates and the way in which ethical conflicts are resolved.
  • Ability to develop adequate oral and written communication to present in an efficient, clear and concise way, the results of a Master's thesis.

Graduation profile

Students who have completed this degree will have acquired the ideal competencies and skills to successfully face the challenges posed by professional profiles in Bio-law.

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