Training Course in Headaches - LMIC
Online Italy
50 Hours
Full time
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EUR 150 *
Distance Learning
* for other participants residents in low middle economic level countries, according to world bank parameters, the registration fee reserved | to all other applicants the registration fee is € 500
Key Summary
The Course is aimed at health professionals interested in acquiring expertise on headache disorders. The syllabus encompasses the Course’s areas of interest, from Social Sciences to Basic Sciences, from Translational to Clinical Headache Medicine. This Collection supports and amplifies research related to United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 3 Good Healthy Lives and Well Being.
The course entails a study period of 50 hours, including lectures, tutoring, e-activities, research activities, and individual study. Credentials to the course last for a full academic year.
Public Health Priorities
Headaches are listed in the latest Global Burden of Diseases 2019 survey cumulatively in 2nd place among all disabling diseases and in 1st place if only the female gender is counted. This calculation is based on YLD = years of life lost due to disability.
Social Burden
Recurrent headache is among the chronic conditions with the highest incidence, second only to Low Back Pain (Global Burden of Diseases 2019), with higher values in women (9.1%) than in men (7.8%). Migraine ranks first among young women under the age of 50. No other disease, communicable or non-communicable, is responsible for more years of healthy life lost in young women, although migraine does not cause premature mortality.
Economic Problem and Barriers to Treatment
Primary headaches and migraine are a public health problem with considerable costs for patients and society. This cost ranks among the highest of the major brain diseases, with more than dementia at 8.6 billion, psychotic/affective disorder at 18.7 billion, and stroke at 3.4 billion.
Sustainable Development Goal SDG3 as a Pillar of Education
Considering the burden of disease and the high costs associated with managing the condition, all prevention and early treatment strategies should be considered as they are likely to be cost-effective. Since chronic headaches are a major cause of disability and service utilization, early and correct identification of sufferers and appropriate treatment are desirable. This would undoubtedly reduce costs both directly, by reducing the use of specialist or hospital care, and indirectly, by reducing acute episodes and improving quality of life.
Ideal Students
The Course is aimed at health professionals interested in acquiring expertise on headache disorders. The syllabus encompasses the Course's areas of interest, from Social Sciences to Basic Sciences, from Translational to Clinical Headache Medicine.
The online e-learning course is taught in English and includes the lecturers' lectures and downloadable teaching materials on the web. Students can consult lectures 24/24 – on any device PC, tablet, and smartphone - video/audio- only video, only audio streaming/downloading MP3. Credentials to the course will last 12 months –a full academic year, thus the participant can review and consult all the available material. Web Seminars will support the teaching activity represented by the video lectures. These activities will be predominantly realized in synchronous and asynchronous modes.
The course program covers the following topics:
Module 1: Public Health, SDG3 and Headache
- Brain Health, WHOiGAP, and Headache
- Epidemiology across the Life Course
- Burden and Costs of Headache
- Biopsychosocial Aspects and Disability in Headache Disorders
- Socioeconomic and Geographic Inequalities
Module 2: Biological and Clinical Markers
- Genetics
- Brain Mechanisms
- Brain Neuroimage
- Novel Pharmacological Targets
- Health Perception and Mental Health in Underserved Headache Populations
Module 3: Diagnosis
- Clinical and Working Issues and SDG3
- Comorbidities Layering in Headache
- Gender Inequalities and SGD5
- Childhood and Adolescence Issues
- Secondary Headaches and Regional Healthcare
Module 4: Management Access and Sustainability
- Global Healthcare Access and Facilities
- Acute Treatment and Medication Overuse Issue
- Standard of Care Preventive Treatment within Regional Economics
- Sustainability of Headache Medicine
- Tele-Healthcare and Residence Project