Master in Valorizzare e Gestire Le Disabilità e I Dsa Nel Mondo Del Lavoro e Professioni
Online Italy
12 Months
Full time
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EUR 2,800
Distance Learning
Key Summary
Ideal Students
The Master is intended for those who, both in public and private organizations, intend to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for the management and valorization of disabilities and specific learning disorders (DSA) in various professional, school and university fields, into a driver of professional and business growth. Given the transversal and multidisciplinary nature of the topics covered, the Master is aimed at all those who need to complete their training to face the new challenges inherent in optimal management of disabilities and DSA and the requests of the institutional context on this topic .
The Master's recipients include:
- University teaching and technical-administrative staff;
- Staff and teachers of first and second level schools;
- School managers (e.g. the principals responsible for the school complex and the safety of all
school workers); - Business system – both in the public and private sectors. E.g. Personnel directors of private companies who deal with gender equality;
- Health system staff.
- The course is also aimed at entrepreneurs, CEOs, middle managers, HR managers, diversity managers, professionals who aspire to become chief diversity officers and other management roles within companies of all sizes who want to set up a concrete and effective diversity/disability management policy and promotion of equal opportunities and gender equality.
The Master is also particularly suitable for those figures who work within transversal teams or dedicated to these issues and who support the company in its mission of promoting the values of diversity and inclusion and sustainable growth.
The Master will be delivered exclusively online, pursuant to the interministerial decree of 17 April 2003 and related technical annex as amended by the Ministerial Decree of 15 April 2005, according to the "digital lesson" model adopted by the UnitelmaSapienza University, via the e-learning platform of 'university. E-learning teaching includes audio-video lessons from teachers, integrated with the relevant teaching materials that can be downloaded online. The student will be able to follow the lessons whenever he wants - 24 hours a day - however he wants - PC, tablet, smartphone - in the chosen mode - video/audio video, audio-streaming/MP3 downloading. The teacher will monitor the training course with ongoing online tests: in particular, written tests will be carried out which can be structured as essays or tests with open, closed or synthetic questions with the relative vote expressed out of thirty, and which constitute a means for verifying and measuring knowledge for the teacher and self-evaluation for the student.
Teaching takes into account the need to develop not only knowledge, but also to use professional tools and behaviors, with the following characteristics:
- field project activities aimed at verifying the ability to apply the methodologies
and techniques in real situations; - testimonials and case studies.
To support the teaching activity represented by the video lessons, web seminars and teaching activities will be organized in synchronous or asynchronous mode, in order to promote moments of interactive discussion between teachers and students.
There are 3 intermediate tests aimed at evaluating learning on the topics covered, which will consist of the preparation of a written paper. The title is awarded following the drafting and discussion of a practical case study (project work).
In the "Module 0" noticeboard of the course, on the online platform, students will find all the information relating to the topics of the intermediate tests and the project work, the editing methods, the methods of booking the online exam and sending the themselves. For certification purposes, tracking is only done in audio-video mode and not for MP3 download.
Assistance and Tutoring
The University guarantees ongoing assistance and support for the students' learning process through the presence of an expert and qualified tutor. The tutor, in addition to providing assistance to the University students, proactively manages the relationship with the students' virtual class, preparing every educational and information tool deemed useful to support the students, also using synchronous and asynchronous methods, such as chat, forum etc.
The Master's Program is divided into 3 parts. At the end of each part, an intermediate assessment is required in the form of a written essay (max 10 pages).
The 3 Parts in turn include the following Modules:
Part I – Disability: Psychological Aspects, Enhancement of the Person and Legal Aspects (SSD: MPSI/01, MPSI/06, IUS/09 - CFU:18)
- Module 1 Psychology of disability and valorisation of people (MPSI/01 - CFU: 8)
- Module 2 Work psychology and inclusion (MPSI/06 CFU: 2)
- Module 3 Legal aspects of disability (IUS/09 - CFU: 8)
Part II - Disability Manager: Methods for Work Placement, Service System, Laboratory Activities
- Module 4 The person with disabilities: services, methods for work and social inclusion. The role of public services (SPS/07 – CFU:8)
- Module 5 The disability service system (SPS/07–CFU: 5)
- Module 6 Towards a new model of human resources management and enhancement of skills (SECS/P-08 – CFU: 6)
Part III - Technological aids and tools for the promotion of autonomy (INGINF/05, MPSI-01 – CFU: 8)
- Module 7 Technological tools and external aids (ING-INF/05 – CFU: 4)
- Module 8 New technologies and virtual reality (MPSI-01 – CFU:4)